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Show NAVY VICTORY IN CREW RAH j ADDS INTERS I Walter Camp Tells 1 Strides Taken in Devel.l opment of Sport ! BY WALTER CAMP (Special Correspondeni of The Sj rad-Examlner.) i ; (Copyright, 1022. by The Stands! Examiner.) NEW YORK. Juh 1 The J talk today in row in , , , ,, .. t 1 I happened to t'ornel on ihe HtJ The real truth Is that ihe rdcs , rowed at r-oughkoopsip was not 'kind Mm' the Ithaoans like v. hd (they used good jtidgmenl Is th5 question bu: :1 r il m. ;r J Ihe fsi 1 thn I Mm n no ii'ad th. iroi'i lor a c.- w up. r-iiK-n rl . o'i;:nii l n.n J Rowing Is und always will bSJ sport of mvsiery. Tlo-oiu.-! . aJ ;md argue for a time- In favor ofl Lroke Then r w high bea' comes to ine m gin to wobble in th. ;r .,r..r... i .-g real to matters ol form Then denl3 a crew that ' loi.n,.- all -Iiel ons (hat thej are laying da-xm lome mysterious manner makJ 1 boat trael up to the head oi tU -ion and then the theorists j I all over again. The writ' i i oda . .ii.ie -era Clipping published a I'V vearij recording that a- a i.-uit of czl Itive ph) sieal . ' . . i ' i nn m il iii alinndon ; .. 'i'0H rand that (he na . wo'ihl lorbiil - i hi in In . n - .H ml i i a i-ii.injj whal bai happened? Ai .j.n r.tJ n:i; - chai i beai 1 s -.ei lorious rac n I H udtffl ha- set up a threi mile recorl will be hard to beat STRONG CREW Mori oi M v. Itb one exi ep'.:oB men w lio fed to vk-ioi in re j - h'-ll m lfUl u .-ri mr 1 1 . itlj jured b that three uiil? -'njggj not to h a pretty sound, powea ganlzation a year later v u n d swered challenge tei challenn Cornell and finull rowed tlowl magnificent Washington i ghl it last half mile. Win n ihe vr.ie;- pays 'vil'.h tl ceptio one man," he means. i n out ol the crew ot elKh' r0B in both races: .fl la. 't'-aj iact. whlH i isl ated .-..nil pre-adnH I Poughkeepsie this year, wasH to win in rurh class, musH able (o raise ihe beat of its and keep In : what has beeflH are H ( in the hunt at all. ha be-n proverB o.eii uf the righ physiqut and ag can row r fa igh -'roksfl only lor tffu miles bul for mllegH ROWING MYSTERY ! i thi ui and win - ewa tfl pari o( -he race al.fl "it au'i never aboe ::j a Vrf!sW Of ma' i hicb StB I ' 10, broki t;.nb(H bi made aH il nearl a lull iiiinni- HtV U'ark. SH owed the firiH Irok. In iho ni. andf le I SI lijl, almo.s Lihi'J' i mi tB rini.-hed first. Navy ore: Vmb ingtmi wa parallel to ihlH one of the heats j Henley .oB when the Hananl erev. won tb(H ribbon in the Engl ii iolnK(sK n b the .n w hiclH Harvard deh . ,i ihe i'.efl eight. The latter made Its biri romnrkable r..iiinp; of the strokHj the last few hundred yards. H The X.-n ,-rev. In ill, - 4lK Po iaBi o.i aodB them -lip in:,, i!), l...,i nei.ire FlB thf .-!.,. 1. 1- . e:f .i:mP "en hard enough to hold iheioH DOWf i . deti nnini.i ion I ii e ii 5E lin:!l Whip 'hill.FuiOH rrauj cre . oui n c |