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Show 1 1 Four Reasons I j Why I I j Becker's Sodas I I f Are I j BETTER i 1 Pasteurized. I 2 Free from drugs and preservatives. 5 !l 3 Made with distilled water A M A Sealed in sterilized bottlea, I rTaV LS lt,s a Peasure t0 sce Ij ' 0VjrJb?K kSJrs thp ',dc,lc' nJoy a hot- j q V3uB2?rj.iCr?fc llc refreshing 6oda H A fSttlUC water when Mother eLyRI knows It's pure and A j :i J wholesome. I tW Teach the kiddles to j! ( S J look for Becker's Dia- a I 1 1J mond Label It's the H i J assurance of purity. )lM()naaaiT--r j A QOODLAfk TO TRAD j On Second Floor Tomorrow We know thai man women will be looking foi new Sfeb I wearables for the holiday o ruesda (the Fourth). SH j i And so we planned a sale of those, things that wc f 0 thought would be in greatest demand. Most of these VJZ ! i J offerings arc for Monday only. "V j! Dresses of Ratine $H50 , M jj and Silk Crepe Knit i mM J This will, doubtless, be the last of them. Summery LMW rilllVn styles in frocks of rich silk crepe and of ratine. One- nmmi $H (n 1 ' ! Vili piece dresses, all bright new models Monday. . . .$7.50 Pilaff J Nnl KUf il fl llfl R V j A Full Rack of Dresses $ 1 J?5 f if lj Regular $22.50 Kinds ffliHJwi j l Vom regular stocks of dresses selling to $22 50 we have jJjMmQfm j j made one complete rack to be offered tomorrow at I 9w?nH RffilWMl 1 5 $14 95. Included are organdies, dotted swiss, sport silks, IffllMSlif ! etc. Come for a look $14.95 HsK! I sSf J Charming Dresses of $ 1 Q0 vfflj ( fM 1 j Printed Crepe, de Chine 1 & f f 1 Summer dresses of soft, clinging silk crepe de chine. WBMgk to Fabrics printed in the small colored figures that are so OTyufflnU ( I fjj f ;" much in vogue These have attracted much admiration. V--MiUiM iflwi it rhey are all speciall priced for tomorrow's selling 'W8ffli(i Imkrll ' j at $19.50 jgl Pft UmHiII I j Outing Khaki Clothing 11 j j Forest Brand Fits Better Ww 1 There's quite a difference in the kinds of khaki clothing. j The Forest Brand fits a little better, is tailored more ) V I z carefully. It costs no more than ordinary kinds. Coats Al t i are $4.95 and $5 95 ; breeches, $2.95; knickers. $2.95; Vl 1 ! skirts, $2.25 and $2.95 ; hats are $ 1 .25. M 2 i ! Csi Let an I ELECTRIC RANGE I Do Your Cooking 1 X u ;1 e kitchen woy, Fytu uteci and carefri' l- i ffBL, "ng-s-cle;,,!. col, c.,veni,nt safe Ur cfficient Hf I fill iFll U '''''''bk'of1 trouble Kanfr wiU do all your ,oik- xl '' ' '' 1 E,t"'t" p I rynflfBr n-rlr.,,, .-ork. Mldvnle j 2 it IDAHO STORED St Viuhonv ' lU if |