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Show m - 1 R Get the Habit-Use Standard Want Ads IX Everybody reads the Want Ad page; it's the medium of exchange for Real Estate, for Sale, Exchange, Room If and Houses for Rent, Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc. IT PAVOJZ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Wk II PAY Payable in advance. One cent per word DAILY I rs?5r tta;: per in8ertion- No first insertion lcss than 23 A?txrs? asns I TTAZllVln:Jl CentS' iir Utile; but t,. tuni wmT prtM I jy real " I "First In Everything JH . I j: WANTED FEMALE HELP J COMPETENT girl for general house- f work. Phone 2217. ' 1-20-tf I WANTED MALE HELP YOUNG man stenographer. Apply 521 Eccles Bldg. 1-14-tf SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN wants work by the day. Phf.no 1008-R. 1-15-lwk - MIDDLE-AGED girl- wants general I housework. Phone 538. 1-15-lwk i : DRESSMAKING ; ' FlRST-class sewing: children s ; i clotnes a specialty. Phone 2574 I I 1-15-lnio WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' ; : MCE clean white rags at the Stand- M. aid Office. ; BOARD AND ROOM BOARD for gentlemen, 2363 Adams I . 1-18-lnio f INQUIRE 2074 Adams. 1-4-1 mo FOR RENT ' Furnished Houses, Rooms and i Apartments. "' ' PEARL Apts. Hot water and bath I furnished; clean new furnishings; j gas, no children. 2711 Grant. 1-20-lwk . FOX Apts Clean, well furnished, : laundrv in basement, gas, bath, 1-2 ; block east of Wash. Lights furnished. i 447-21st St 1-20-lwk ?! " 5-ROOM Apt., modern. 433 Herrick. j Phone 2482-W. 1-20-lwk 5 : ' MOD. fur. rms. for housekeeping ; i Phone 1012-J. 1-19-1 wk ' FRONT room, newly furnished, with f or without board. 2700 Grant. 1-lS-lwk I FURNISHED h'k'g rms., cheap. 536-31. - 1-17-tf W ONE or two furnlsheu rooms for Jiglu ,S housekeeping. Colonial apartments. ffl ; r 362 Twenty-fourth street; prices rea- i 7 '. cnnflhlfi 9-J-tI 't: - ii TWO or three-room Apt, for house- t' ' ! keeping; gas, steam heat; 3d floor, ! 2478 Wash. 1-15-lwk nr ' i. ! 4-ROOM cottage with bath. Purdy, S 2379 Hudson. Phone 485. 1-15 lwk Wl iFURNISHED rooms for housekeep $ ins 2220 Lincoln. 12-20-tl at -2- MODERN furnished apartments. 2539 lf Adams. 1-14-lwk 5t MODERN housekeeping Apts. Steam igj- heat, 330-23d St. 1-13-lmo a ' NICELY furnished 3-room apartment, g j : modern, 2229 Lin. 1-8-lwk IhTl LARGE nicely furnished front room I furnace heat. Phone 1099-J. 443 Her I rick ave. 12-29-ti & HKPG. rms., gas, bath. 427-24th. 12-23-1 mo. f FURNISHED Apts.; no children; 1-2 M block east of Washington. 447 21st St, ' FURNISHED apartmerts. 2634 Grant. ; 9-18-lyr g! : . . ' , BLEEPING rooms, Colonial Arts. 362 55? 24th St. 9-3-tf l$ ; f oS . HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cinglo or it jjj mites, furnished or unfurnished, in .15 any number, prices moderate; musl fri be rented. W. B. Wedell. 2468 Wash 3 ! 4-30-tl 1,8,1 !; FOR RENT fjl " 3r Unfurnished Houses, Rooms and Sj j ; Apartments. fSt i 4-ROOM pressed brick, partly furnish PI'S 5 r cd, bench, cellar, lawn. Phone 276-J ag i l 1-20-lwl in 5-ROOM modern. 658-23d St. C. B oust Sears. 1-20-lwk OT ; : NEW 5-room modern brick, furnished (JQbi close in, $35. ,-$ ; 4-ROOM on Bench, $10. 0 6-ROOM, modern brick, $25, fifr 4-ROOM on 12th and Adams,( $13. jail OGDEN HOME BUILDERS' CO. ,to?$ 213 Eccles Bldg. Phone 917. lttf5 1 1-18-tf e?S I NEW modern Apts. 430-26th St. Phone g I 23C4-W. 1-11-tf stfl -ROOM modern house with full base- dRl ment, close to town, $15 per mo. meg i Phone 612. 1-8-tI !! 6-7 ROOM modern, 2644-Lafayette, $1S. gp Near Jackson. BIchsel. Phone. 1932-W. g 12-17-tf m t A COZY 4-room house, on the Bench. M ; Inquire Room 403, First Nat'l Bank etig H-2-tf tQ-sjs '. APT., mod.. 3 rms., bath and kitchen-JC; kitchen-JC; ette; 531 24th. Tel. 1895 10-14-tf Mt J. ElGHT-room Mod., $15. Phone 2222. TWj 12 3 lmo iffl ;v HELMS apartments, 2248 Jefferson; 3nA call forenoon. 11-16-tf. itijn i ? dW, A 6-ROOM modern house with full 9.a f baaement. Situaterl in tho south part tft5 ? town, $15 per m6. Phone 612. J&i 11'3-tt TJE HOUSES and flats. 2634 Grant, "Pr . 9-is-tf A GOOD four room house in railroad district. $12 per month. J. J. Brum-mitt, Brum-mitt, Phone 59. DNE or more unfurnlBhed rooms. Co lonial Apts.. 362 24th St 9-3-tf SEVERAL good cattle ranches to trade for good Ogden property, or small farm. FEDERAL LAND COMPANY, Eccles Bldg. Ogden, Utah. 1-18-lwk FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHICKENS for sale at Ogden Feed Co. Phone 5092246 Wash. Ave. 1-20-tf A GOOD cutier, 2 strings of bells, for $20. Phone 609. 1-19-tf REPOSSESSED pianos and ' players, cheap; cash or terms. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 1-19-lmo WHEAT, $1.75 per hundred. C. O. D. Tel. 41-R-4. 1-18-lwk BY owner, a 9-rm. house, mod. at 361 28th SL Rents readily for $30 per mo. Will sell for $2250 If taken at once. Phone 1622-R. , 1-18-lwk CHEAP New Sharpies Separator; Tubular special, 3 good milch cows II. Guilbert, Wilson Lane. Tel. 9-R-2. 1-18-1 wk AUTOMOBILE; price $50. Everett Lhery, 2219 Wash. Ave. 1-17-lwk BOSTON Homer Pigeons. 850-23d St. Phono 1755-R. 1-17-lwk GAS and coal range and heaters. 436 Ilerrick Ave. Phone 2482-M. 1-17 lwk CANDY store with soda tountain. 20b 25th St. 1-15-lwk CHICKENS, 2124 Monroe. Phone 1S99. 1-15-J.wk SMALL grocery store. 439-28th St Phone 1S54-W. 1-15-lwk FURNITURE for 4-room modern apartment; close in on bench. Phone 2306. l-ll-2wks TWO counter cases; six feet long; very reasonable. Phone 1687. 1-11-tt 6 LARGE sacks of kindling wood $1. Oak wood for fire places. J. H. Wheelwright, 2348 Hudson. Phone 32S. Ml-" TWO good milch cows. 3293 Stevens Ave. "" ' 1-b-lwk ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE 16 ROOMS hot and cold water, $500, it taken before 25th of Jan. 330-24th 1-5-tf OGDEN Vacuum Cleaner Exchange. We handle the grand prize winning cleaner, The Eureka. Rent it at $1.00 per day. 420-25th St. Ph. 915. 1-4-2 It GOOD horse v eight 1200. Grand Union Un-ion Tea Co., 2436 Wash. 12-30-tf PERSONAL MADAM NIXON is located at 2651 Adams Ad-ams Ave. Phone 1008-R. 1-15-lmo LOST LADIES' purse containing watch and three rings and coin. Liberal reward. Return to 2203 Adams. 1-20-lwk MACCABEE, past commander's pin, bet. W. O. W. hall and Poplar. Phone 12S5-R. Reward. 1-20-lwk BETWEEN 14th and 23th on Washington Wash-ington avenue a black velvet bag wuh silver top. Finder please phone 1091-W. Reward. ' 1-19-lwk ONE 1200-pound bay horse; 8 years old; notify C. R. McGregor, 428-29th St. 1-17-lwk ONE bay mare, 1200 lbs.; white star on forehead; one black mare, 800 lbs. white hind foot. Return to Y. Naka-shima, Naka-shima, R. F. D. No. 1, Layton, Utah. 1-15-lwk DAPPLE-gray mare; 4 years old, fore-lop fore-lop cut; part of mane cut near shoulder; shoul-der; one white hind foot, marks on front foot; marks on front legs; reward; re-ward; return Joe Chadwick, Slater- : vllle, Utah. 1-17-lwk DEPENDSS ON THE GAIT Ralph Pulitzer, war correspon. dent, said on his arrival in New York: "The alies are bound to win. They will win because their aide is the right one, and right in the long run always prevails, and be-cause be-cause in men and in equipment they are now establishing a marked mark-ed superiority over the central European powers. "But," continued Mr. Pulitzer, "when you ask me how long it is going to take the allies to win, then T can only answer you as Diogenes answered the traveler. "A traveler "halted before the Greek philisopher-NDiogeues, and said: " 'How long will take me to get to Athens' "I don't know," Diogenes an swered. "The traveler, at this odd reply, turned and resumed his way in angry haste. Diogenes looked after him a moment, and then shouted : "'If you keep at that rate, you'll be at Athens in an hour." ' "Washington Star. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE City Real Estate For Sale 2MtMTAl)tTTKniseTl!u looms full. 2203 WaBh. Over Tabernacle Tab-ernacle Pharmacy. 1-15-lmo AN OPPORTUNITY! HOW much are you worth today? In 3 or 5 years ask yourself the same question. Why not let your small savings work for you? Lots 52'xl32 in growing part of city, $226; terms. Call and see Ogden Home Builders Co., 213 Eccles Bldg., Phone 917. A GOOD plant suitable for pickle fac tory, or any kind of manufacturing plant, consisting of concrete building 40 x 90 feet, with seven lots; only $1500; $600 down; balance on 10 years time at Seven per cent Interest. J. J. Brummitt, Phono 59. A MODERN 'five room house, close In, hardwood floors,, everything new, neat and up-to-date, for only $2000, $1000 cash, balance on time. J. J-Brummitt, J-Brummitt, under Utah Nat. Bank. LOT 75x140 ft. on 24th St. Nob Hill Annex, between Taylor sd Fillmore Ave. Price $550. Inquire M. Oswald. Rock Port, Mo. R. 3. 11-19-lwk ONE of the best paying restaurants in the city, well located, doing excellent excel-lent business, owner is in hospital, must be sold. J. J. Brummitt, undor Utah Nat. Bank. MONEY TO LOAN ON R. H. only. Bichsel, 215 Eccles Bldg. lM9-tf SHORT time chattle mortgage loans. Kelly & Hernck. 10-2-tf MORTGAGE loans on farm and city property. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah National Bank Building. 9-ltf DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, guns, etc. Thomas Loan office, Grant & 25th 6-18-tf MONEY to -loan on real estate security. secur-ity. J. J. Brummitt. 4-27-tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MR. DIX, 218 Col. Hudson Building. Salaried people can get it without security. Others on Furniture, Pianos, Pia-nos, etc. Can be repaid in small weekly or monthly payments. tf Read the Classified AdB. Read the Classified Ads. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES ; The Woman's Bonofi. Association of the Maccabees, Silver Review No. 1 meets every first and third Friday evenings at 8 o'clock, and every second sec-ond and fourth Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Woodmen Hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washington avenue av-enue Visiting members cordially invited in-vited to attend. Anna Holden, L. C; L. Jennie Prout, R. K., 2465 Van Bu ren avenue. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Ogden Homestead No. 1505 meets on every Tuesday evening in W. O. W. hall, Fraternity building, Washington avenue. Visiting Archers are cordially cordial-ly invited to meet with us. E. M. Reid, foreman J. A. Junk, correspondent, corre-spondent, 3202 Washington avenue. Queen City Robokah Lodge No. 4, 1. O. 0 F., meets second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members invited. Minnie Min-nie Child, N. G Annine Carlson, Recording Re-cording Secretary. The American Masonic Federation Ogden Lodge No. 81. 2414 1-2 Wash-lngton Wash-lngton avenue, will meet every Monday Mon-day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers broth-ers cordially invited to attend. W. H. Toller, R. W. M., A. E. Lansing secretary, 436 Thirthieth street. Royal Highlanders Ogden Castle No. 525 meets in the new I O. O. F. hall; Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton Ave., every 2nd and 4th Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highlanders High-landers cordially Invited. Alford Burgl, 111. Pro.; William Muller, Sec-Treas. Royal Neighbors of America meets every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall, Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors invited. Ella Mitchell, O. R., 247 21st. street Lillian Newton, Recorder 27th. and Qulncy. MASONIC Queen Esther Chapter No. 4 O. E. S., regular meetings hold at Masonic hall on Washington Ave., between 25th and 26th Sts., tho first and third FrldayB of each month. Sojourning So-journing members cordially Invited to attend. Iola Blackman, M., Linda L. Irwin, Secretary-Treasurer. Women of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 581, meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, new Woodman Hall, visiting Neighbors invited. Dues will bo collected on the 5th of each month at Mlsch Drug Store. Addlo A. Fellows, Fel-lows, G. N. 126 Poplar avenue, phone 1285-R. Mario Critea Clerk 2731 Monroo Ave. phone 1913-R. Ogdon Lodge No. 2, KnightB of Pythias Py-thias meots every Monday evening at 8 o'clock In CaBtlo Hall of tho Pythian building, 2351 Grant avenue, visiting Ivnighis welcome, E. E, Young, C. C Georgo B. Hart K. R. S., .Edgar A. Ford, M. F., 2340 Grant avenue. Ogden Lodge No. 5, Independent I Order of Odd Follows, meets in I. O. O. F. hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting Vis-iting brothers cordially invited to be present Ben Moloff, N. G., Henry Kissel, Secretary. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modern Woodmen Wood-men of America, meets every Wednesday Wednes-day night in tho I. O. O. F. hall, Fraternity Fra-ternity (block. Out of town members cordially invited to meet with us. H. -J. Copock, Consul; J. R. Hinchcllff. Clerk. Fraternal Order o! Eaglea, Ogden Aerie No. 118, F. O. E meets every Wednesday evening at Eagle's hall, Hudson avenue, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother Eaglea and invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. m. Geo. F. Roach, W. President; Presi-dent; E. R. Geiger, Secretary; Drs. H. B. Forbes and Paul Ingebretsen, Aerie Physicians. Woodmen of the World, Wober Camp No. 74 meets in the W. O. W. hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton avenue, every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cordially cor-dially Invited to attend. J.L. Kelll-her, Kelll-her, C. C, W. M. Plggott, Clerk, P. O. Box 488. Order of Owls, Ogdea Nest, No. 121, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evening in their own hall (the old Elk club rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visiting Visit-ing Brother Owls are invited to attend the Nest meetings. W. D. Watson, President, C. A. Knowlden, Secretary. Ogden Business Directory ACCORDION PLEATING. Dono in all lengths. 2568 Cole's Court, rear 240 26th St. Tel. 1180-M. ARCHITECTS. F. S. PEERY, 410 25th St. 10-2-tf CURTAINS. Curtains done up. Phone L596-M. 8-23-tf CITY SCAVENGER. City Scavenger, McCarty & Co., 2733 Grant. Bell phono 2018-W. CARPET CLEANING, K. Van Kampen Phone 883 for auto trimming, upholstering, mattress making, restretchlng of bed springs. CHIROPRACTOR. F. J. Freenor, D. C, Graduate Chiropractor. Chiro-practor. No drugs, surgery or osteopathy; osteopa-thy; try chiropractic. Rooms 212-213-214 Col. Hudson Bldg. Piono 311. CHILI CON OARNE. I Chili Con Carne, Chicken Tamales, Clam Chowder, Olympia Oysters, at the Bismarck Chill Shop, phono 919-W. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Lawyer O'Connolly over Commercial National Bank Bldg., 369 24th Street. Phone 1L FURRIER AND TAXIDERMIST Furs cleaned and remodeled in the latest style. Furs skinned and tanned. T. Gajowsky, 2474 Wash. Phono 433. 11-2-tf HOTELS. When in Los Angeles, stop at Van Winkle; rates reasonable, 349 South Olive. 12-22-lmo FLORISTS. Mrs. J. J. Van Der Schuit, Van Hoist Floral Co. Funeral designs, Greenhouses, 740 2th St Phono 906. 7-9-lyr. MODERN PLUMBING. Welshans Plumbing & Heating Co., 2325 Hudson. Flrst-clasn work guaranteed. guaran-teed. Phones 869 and 2032. NEW & SECOND HAND GOODS New and second-hand furniture, clothing and shoes bought, sold or exchanged; ex-changed; also trunks and suitcases cheap. A. Siner. Phono 1321. 179 1-2 Twenty-fifth St. 6-13-lyr ANYTHING A to Z, new or second, bo't, sold or exchanged. Phone 333-W. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fornlund, Physician and Surgeon. Sur-geon. Office hours 11 to 4 p. m. New Peery Bldg., Hudson Ave. Phone 1900-W. Residence phono 2129-W. 646 Washington Ave. PRACTICAL NURSE. Mrs. Greenwood, Phone 2558-M. 11-12-lmo PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Park Privato Hospital, 778 21st Maternity work a specialty. 12-16-tf SANITARY WORK. Your Garbago hauled regular. Sanitary Sani-tary can furnished free. Sanitary Garbage Gar-bage Co. Phone 620. STORAGE BATTERIES. Recharged, ropalred stored; satisfaction satis-faction guaranteed. Electric Service Co., 425 24th St. 2-22-ti STORAGE. THE W. D. BROWN CO.. 2255 Wall ave. Phone 691. i2-29-6mos TRUNK FACTORY TrunkB, Bags, Sultcasos and Handbags Hand-bags repaired at 350 24th St. 10-26-tf Read the CI as si Med Ads. H I Read the Classified Ads. M |