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Show STATE SELLS LAI 1 SANPETE C01TY Salt Lake, Jan. 20. Despite the snowstorms, which cut down attendance attend-ance and precluded a thorough examination exam-ination of the lands, 800 acres of the former Jewish agricultural oolony tract at Gunnison, Sanpete county, were sold at auction Tuesdav by the state land board, said Herbert E. Smyth, clerk of the board, upon his return last night from Sanpete coun- An interesting feature of the sale was" the fact that several members of the old Jewish colony, believing that the lands were good and desiring to try it again," bought tracts as in-aividuals. in-aividuals. Their "colony" Is bank-nipt bank-nipt and the land reverted to the state, but some of the colonists refuse to acknowledge failure as farmers. The former Jewish farmers who bought their former homes back at the sale included Benjamin Brown S L.eberman, B. Palley and A. Shein ' ' lv tht 5h?J01? bru,Ugv.ht aPProximate-ly aPProximate-ly the prices at which the board appraised ap-praised the land, from $11 to Si 7 un acre. With the additional charge of $35 an acre for the water rights the prices paid were from $46 to $52 an acre. v Deterred By Snow. The sale was conducted by w D Candland, president of the land board' with Mr. Smyth acting as clerk of sale. Yesterday Mr. Candland ston' ped at his home. Mount Pleasant an. Mr. Smyth, H S. Joseph and Several others who attended the sale from Saft Lake came on to this city. "The snowstorms unquestionably deterred de-terred many people from attending tho sale," said Mr. Smyth last night, "and a number of people who did attend did not bid for the land because the eleven inches or so of snow prevented thein from examining the tracts in the way they would have wanted to. How-over, How-over, S00 acres were disposed of, and there is no question but the other lands of the 6000-acre tract will be taken up. It is now subject to entry at the land board office " All the lands sold were in the area Improved by the lato Jewish colonists, but the board did not dispose of the buildings and similar above-ground improvements made by the former tenants. Purchasers In South. It was decided that the board would not go into that phase of it, leaving the purchasers of the land to make their arrangements with H. S. Joseph, receiver for the Jewish colony, in tho event they wanted to buy or rent the improvements. While a few land buyers from Salt Lake went to the sale, none of them made bids for the land at the auction. They decided to wait for another opportunity op-portunity to look it over Purchasers were mostly from Richfield, Nephl, Mount Pleasant and other towns in that section of the state. The town of Gunnison had arranged arrang-ed quite an entertainment for the visitors, which tho stormy weather and the consequent cutting down of attendance somewhat dampened. Those who did attend, however, were entertained at a picture show, a dance and a program for the school children by the citizens of Gunnison. Mr Smyth said that tho snows throughout tho Sanpete valley have been the heaviest In years |