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Show I ;W!LLARD-MORAN I 801)1 SETTLED Hi HI Increase Offer $4,500 John- ston Offers $60,000 for B Two Fights. H i H , New York, Jan. 19 "Tex" Riek- H ) 'ard and Samuel McCracken, who B Jraado tho original offer of $45,000 H , Ifor a ten-round bout here between H 'Jesr Wlllard and Frank Moran. In- B creased that offer today to $49,500. H They have come to an agreement H; with Moran by which the Pittsburg Hl man's end of the purse will be 17,- R 000 instead of $15,000, and have wired B to Wlllard and his manager that they K will give tho world's champion ?32,- Hl '500, the original offer having been H $30,000. B . Moran said today that he had ac- B cepted tho terms offered by Rickard B and McCracken with tho understand- H ing that the bout should be indoors H next March, and until the expiration B 'f tb month he would not consider B i ,anv other propositions to meet Wil- B j 'lard. HI B Kansas City, Mos Jan. 19. "Rick- B ard and McCracken are out of it; they B bad their opportunity to get tho B match and refused to meet our fig- B lures," Tom Jones, manager of Jess B Wlllard, heavyweight champion, said B tonight B "I've signed with Curley and that B ends tho matter. Moran's signing Bj does not mako a bit of difference to Hit us. lie Is lucky to get a tight with HI; -Wlllard, and WHard does not care H: whether he fights him or not." Hip Jones had just returned from Ex- H tcelsior Springs, Mo where he and 1 j )WIUard had been resting. Tho man- H I -agcr said he signed with Curley be- H . cause Curley offered 45 per cent of H 1 'the gross receipts and 51 per cent of H the moving picture proceeds. Curley B guaranteed $32,500 as Willard's share. H "Rickard and McCracken," said N Jones, "refused to make any percent- H age arrangement. The guarantee is B not the big thing In the fight. I ex- H rect Willard's share under the per- D centago arrangement to exceed $32,- K 500. H' "Moran can sign the articles with HI Wlllard or he need not. Moran is B the man to worry; not the champion." i Chicago, Jan. 19. Guarantees of H ?60,000 to Jess Wlllard for two fights in Madison Square Garden, New York and of $30,000 to Frank Moran for two contests were announced hero today to-day by Jimmy Johnston, manager of the garden Johnston's announcement follows: "1 will guarantee Jess Willard $60,-000 $60,-000 for two fights, Moran to be the first opponent. Should Wlllard win decisively I am to have the privilege of selecting his second opponent I also will guarantee Frank Moran $30,- 000 for two fights, the first to be with Wlllard, Moran to receive $15,000 for his end. If, he outpoints Willard 1 would select his second opponent I will place tho money in a bank immediately after the men sign articles." |