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Show MONDELL ROASTS" I MEXICAN POLICY I Wyoming Congressman De- , Clares Santa Ysab el Murders M Logical Fruit of Admin- M istration Attitude. M CALLOUS INDIFFERENCE M 111 Will, Hatred and Distrust iH of Whole Mexican People ' Brought Upon United ' M States. H Washington, Jan. 20. The Santa H Ysabel murders were declared to he "The logical fruit" of the administra- H tion's Mexican policy in a speech In H the house today by Representative H Mondell of Wyoming, Republican, re- H viewing at length outrages committed ' H against Americans in Mexico since H the overthrow of Madero. H "By following, not a policy of M 'watchful waiting' but of mischievous H meddling," said Mr. Mondell, "coupl- 1 ed with baso betrayal and callous in- ,H difference to the welfare and safety H of American citizens has the admin- lH istration lost tho respect and confi- jH dence and earned the contempt of IH first one and then another and fin- H ally all the people of Mexico. H Policy Cause of Hatred. jl By the same process has the ad- ,H ministration subjected our citizens in H Mexico to the sort of treatment likely iH to be meted out to tho citizens of a jH country whose authorities have H brought upon them the ill will and ! distrust and hatred of a whole people." ! The administration, the speaker de- ' H clared, had "ignored past American , H practice in international intercourse, H in its plan of personal vengeance ,H against Huerta and then by recognlz- , H ing Carranza had given the clearest H and most convincing proof of the er- H ror and insincerity of its declarations H that no government would ever bo H recognized which did not have a con- , H stitutional basis for its authority." M Foreigners Rescue Americans. iH Mr. Mondell charged that a few days after American troops were land- i H ed at Vera Cruz, terrorized Americans M who were suffering indignities at Tampico, were denied the protection jJ of nearby American warships and M were taken out of danger "on German M and English boats" after the com- M mander of the German gunboat Dres- , M den had trained his guns on Tampico ( M "served notice of his intent to use , H them if injury or further insults were M attempted, and escorted our people M to the wharf." , H An American warship, which lay in (H Tampico harbor, Mr. Mondell declar- ' H ed, had sailed away "upon orders M from Washington leaving our people J defenseless and at the mercy of an ) M aimed, infuriated and drunken mob.' il |