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Show Will Mathewson Be There This Season? tm tfc a. V ta. ft-1 Christy I Once more the sporting writers and fans throughout the country are singing the funeral dirges over the dead glory and right arm of Christy Mathewson. But It Is practically prac-tically an even bet that tbe veteran of many years, lovingly dubbed Big Six" by the metropolitan fans of New York will be there again this year, with his arm a trilio weaker than last season, but atill carrying that marvelous lo ad on his shoulders. that head which bas the weakness of every batter In thw National league catalogued In i duo position. Tho opposition may gain many hits per nine Inning game off Christy but with each year, tbe problem of getting aronud to heme plate grows mere complicated, for Christy tightens up when there are mui on liases and two safeties In succflsHion oif his deliver is almost a record A close survey of National league records and box scores, since Chris- v ty's arm began to yield to the at- K"-- tacks of old ag -, say three year Ikf . ' ago, will reveal an amaziug fact Ek"v that pitchers and ihe notably weal: sisters at the bat of the opposing Mk"i- team obtain practically all the hits. K1 Christy dooan't bother his bead Wr'1 much over these, "hut he it- vitallj concerned about is the clean-uy RS men and those who bear the repu- RT tatlon of bein--; the heavy slu;;gers. And so Chri-.L.v. - looking a ( rifle ,By3j oldfr, with his face drawn a little IY! more liblly by the furrows, taking B' V his time before letting the bail go. Rv'v but still possessed of the uncmny R-'"' gift of putt in :t the missile exactly rntii' where bo wants an '3 With that dls- Rf 'r conoertlng smile spread :;ii over bis Hfr'v' face, will once more rub Irs foot agaiua the rubber boi on the Polo Wn-'-y' grounds, for they never quit until H the fusillade of h.'s from the oppo- B$r. sit on bats dr;.c them to cover and IRS 3 to oblivion. E8ffi |