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Show II Look at These New I Prices on Westinghouse Mazda Lamps 10, 15, 20, 25 and 40 Watts. . ... . .27 cents 60 Watts 36 cents 100 Watts 65 cents When the cost of other necessities is going up the cost of lighting goes down, jj You'll find everything electrical here at the lowest prices. SNIVELY ELECTRIC CO. Phone 394. 2350 Washington Ave. I In Effect April 1st. I WILL GIVE $1000 BRf If I FAIL ti CURE 117 CANCER ir TUMI I treat HM bafort it POISONS deep glands cr attiekts ti km 0911 NO KNIFE. NO PAIN. . Hgfl NO PAY UNTIL CURED . Bl, WRITTEN GUARANTEE iaT" W JJgH No X - Ray or ther J' M 7 HEBi plant makes thn cures -a MgJljli HHH TUMOR. LUMP OB r iPMi HHB 120-PAGE BOOK Sent 5 ILk. RMH 1 'Ftlu.onlR.ls of 10 000 VaI PEPH UffED Write to some if OisTlf mm A.NV LUMP in WV-' WOMAN'S BREAST h CANCER HI nd lf neglected it always poison deep gland la l innpft nd KILLS QUICKLY, i'oor cured at half PIPV ris " cancer la yet small. Shun Imitators, idgrm lid Dr. & Mrs. Or. Chamley Co. ffftS pu 747 & 749 s- Main St, Lot Armeies, CaL KINDLY MAIL THIS to someone with CANCER "Zudora" in 'The $20,-000,000 $20,-000,000 Mystery" at the REX today only. Open 2 p. m. to It p. m. 5c ALWAYS 5c. Advertisement. OO HBRr rk WBaf t SJij S"- a I niK i- h 1 only from 1 HHdw3 1 AS 1 F ' Jfllj I T r J 4-Room House. mm 4 at Bedrock lost and , ml UHHl (V " -3 "vine rr,(,tn. rlinlnx rr.,m. bedroom I, ? kitchen. Spei-iHl prlci- Includes - : ' f ;a I w m ! two-light fixture i"'r living room, a t 1 tn hQClf 8 QVmC I '""-I'-l'i fixture ror rUnlnu ro,',,n. MB OH Eidoy i CI lllb , drop cord for bedroom, drop cord for D 1 J I kit- Inn All six outlets t" r pjlp- KHBl f cl I I" 'I '.Villi sh.l.lf-H .nut M:.z.l:i l;irnpx I 1 Cash price complete, (including nit JH I A I Think of it' A snap of the switch nnd your 1 1,1 n": " rim" J BH , rnent prl. .. JI I m. pnvmfnts to WggU 1 home Is flooded vvilh the glow nnd cozineps of 'st ,,:n;i',maol,hr-J fcW'tSB -1 anrl n,ost economical of all lights. f,,r n.- m..nth 1 bHBb I Away with work worry1 s'ljtifi35S&lfetolrt4&W pHliWtiH f Away with lamp chlm neys -:md oil cans! hy i 1 Away w ith danger n nd high insurance rates' 5-Room House. ISrol room, 1 . ! IHH Away with old-fashioned methods! ml l iWHBh S'- price ini'hi'l. ; 1 u ..-licrlii RBI v fixture for llvlntr ronni, W HBmI $ Modernize Your Home! Inl'.e.'ir.'.i.'n, '".i,'"r. I'.'.'r.T' p'.' "k.V ' IB m3BHS n I drop in jH HH ti 3 The cost s small and , to pav-r.isli or hv '" )" ' I1'1"",'1 ' ""u"' .'' ,u '' . -h-"'' - miMKM r 1 tu . .1, .1 , , , I 1,11,1 M;izila kirnps. Lash price. In- 9 t J tn, month; the convenience and safety of elec- eluding all rteceasan labor K&oo fl HMH ?t trie lights w ill increase the VALUE ,0111 JH . QBH , 5 home and brinp. happl and content ment 1 UUA kZBUU '3 toulMhe fimih " ' "mld- (Ion of work J 10 an UC lamnv - , 1(.r month fr Mk Br 9 We've made the way easy' Read the offers ''' ' months Jgi hHKJ 9 in this advertisement for w irlng a four room and . iveroom fne-room house rf1trffMHfT ffinBH J E V3 iorch vlB . BJQp If n one of these offers exactly fits your 5-Room House j P a house, we'll make one that WILL and Porch Light. 1 I Call your electrical contractor or-phone 783, "ult-n'' Y'' " mSM f- -i !! !'.-.'irtment. and our representa. it h So.-.-it . HI i. I tive will call. ""eh tor Front Xroh oitle? W H Z t l"'r,'h 'w-lii.-liiflxl.il. p . WM I h Electricity for Every, ng. 8 Kf43-- 9 I ! UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. VMmmS M SB Pi Efficient Public Serv.ce Zu,ls "'r Payment ,s M BHfiH V Hon o work '"V'S BE rj j month for ,&5S9M Give Yourself 1 a fair chance The thrill of health and vigor' can only be experienced when the digestion is normal, the liver active and the bowels regular. reg-ular. Any disturbance of these functions should suggest " an immediate trial of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS i It is a tonic, appetizer and strength maker of well known ability, and will help Nature' restore health and vigor to the I entire digestive system. Advrua6ment. ' fi How's This? We offer On Handroil Dollam Rewrd for t7 cse nf Catorrh thut cannot be cured bj Ball's Cntirrh Con?. F. J. CnENEY Jb CO.. Toledo, 0. We, tbn nBder!jncd. bar known F. J. Chener for Ibe lat 15 yearn, and bellere blm perfectly bonorjMn In all buplns transaction and Boanrl.illy able to carry out any obligation dado by bis flrro. NAT. BAXK OF COMMRRCP. Toledo. Obi. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, arttnf directly npon fbe blood and mucous surfaces ot tbe ryafem. Testimonials sent free Prlca It cents per bottle. Sold by sll Druggists. Taks Hall's Family Pills for coflBtipsUoOi I A MARK OF SUCCESS An account with the Ogden Sav-'ngs Sav-'ngs Bank is a mark of success the best indication of thrift and good financial management. You are cordially Invited to start an account with us. . FIRST NATIONAL I BANK OF OGDEN, UTAH U- S. DEPOSITARY. CaP'tal $150,000.00 l Surplus and Undivided Undivid-ed Profits $200,000.00 I Deposits . $2,500,000.00 I Jp. M. S. Browning, President. M' John Watson, Vice-President I V L. R Ecclos, Vice-President 1 ' R B. Porter. Vfce President 9 Jamce F. Burton,. Cashier 6umner P Nelso)n. Asrt Csh'r g |