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Show I RANDOM ! REFERENCES I Good watc.be U Price. 278 25th -1 New Garage Fred J. Kicsol is plan runs to construct a large garage on Hudson avenue north of Twenty- fourth street this summer. The building will be of concrete and brick I and wilj cost in the neighborhood of! 120,000. The plans have been drawn bj Architect Smith and the garage will be one of the finest in the state, equipped with all of the latest facilities facili-ties for repair Work and will have ade-I ade-I quate space for the storage of a large l number of cars m W Eugene Marsteller. Dent'st m j ciallst In crown and bridgework. ! W -106-40T-40S Colonel Hudson Building.-' I Quarantine The Thurston home at 178 Seventeenth street has been quarantined quar-antined for scarlet fever and the home of Mamie Pearson on Tracy ftV-i ftV-i i iiue has been quarantined for small-I small-I pox. Fa Since you use Butter, why not use t.he best B. L- G French Saints A French reunion k wilNbe held in the Conservatory of Music, Templeton building at 8 p m. Monday, April 5, in connection with general conference in Salt Lake City, jt ;.nd will be open to all French speak ing people. ICE. pure distilled artificial only. I M. L. Jones Coal & Ice Co., 413 24th Ml Street Speeding John Williams of 130 West Twenty-second street was taken Wj into custody this morning by Otficer illiam Reast on a charge of driving P; a motorcycle at an illegal rate of 1 "I I Garden Seeds at tho Plngree Feed I otore Phone 799. Thcft3 A. B. Brown of Glenwood I Acres reported the theft of his bicycle I to the police this morning and Reese I Williams of 220 West Patterson ave- nue, v( ported the theft of a horse I blanket E. W. Caunad has opened new Real I Estate offices in Alhambra Theatre I BIdg. Same Phone SC. Births The following births were reported at the office of the city ffghealth department this morning To Mr. and Mrs Adrian Baker, a son. March 21, to Mr and Mrs Henry C. Stevens, a daughter, March 25; to Mr and Mrs William E. Potter, a son, i' March 26. Dee-Xeuteboom for Printing 1168. ! Marriage License! Marriage licen-Rtses licen-Rtses have been issued to George F IB Dunkel of Clrcleville, Ohio, and Julia HX. Bower of Richmond, and to George m f 'lark and Jannette Hanson of Salt Lake. I Randall Auto Livery moved to Por-ltola Por-ltola Cafe. 370 24th St. Phone 47. I Boys Arrested This afternoon Dep-I Dep-I Bui 3. Sheriff J L. Hobson arrested Al B hert and Harry Adler of Salt Lake for the Salt Lake officers. The lads B an: accused of stealing riirs from B Bthr ball park I FINE OFFICE EQUIPMENT t CHEAP For sale: Burroughs Adding 1 B and Listing Machine; Underwood V Typewriter; Safe and Other Office I K Equipment. All as good as new. Utah I I Milling Co., Phone 60. High School Plays-The new stage I at the Ogden high school was formally jflH opened last night with the present flH B tion of two one-act plays by the Ura-mSB Ura-mSB lniAtlc C'UD of tne - 11 s junior class, $HJ B before an audioncp numbering appro; -SB B imalely 60(1 people. The presenta-Btion presenta-Btion occupied about two hours' time Band each play was interpreted in a yH I highly commendable manner. tSBmW Fr Easter Plants and Cut Flowers B call 1603, City Floral Co. 413 24th SL -HgjB Special for a few day Fancy Su-a9H Su-a9H I gar cured hams, 17 l-2c per lb Home w cured bacon, 20c per lb. Washington EH I Market, 2458 Washington Ave. I Idaho Jurist .ludge Samuel Swan-HP Swan-HP tier of Tetnn, Idaho, is visiting with Hi his sister. Mrs. W. E. Stakcr and other I relatives Tho judge was in Ocdon I about two years ago and says he Is I greatly impressed with the improvements improve-ments (hat have been made since that i time. We Sell Paint George V iOWe Co. Default Entered In flip rase of the Strouss Eisendrath. company against O, D. Raamussen, the default of the defendant has been entered In the records of the district c'urt Notice our wlndov a hut what is still better come In and sec our nobby bUltfl and dresses at Pnlno - Hursts - full line of children's dresses just in at Paine & Hursts. |