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Show H , I GET THE HABIT- I It Pays USE STANDARD WANT ADS nailv Let trie people know what Everybody reads the Want Ad page it's the you have to offer If you medium of exchange for Real Estate, For Sale, Want Ads are great aid . i Exchange, Rooms and Houses for Rent, Help . n l a r have a vacant room ad- Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc. t0 Sma11 buSmeSS- A feW vertiseit. A two or three- - ' ?;nes run Ja:iv coat unt line want ad will help you p hfLtsslJ,ko advertisements ines run daily cost but , sell your surplus stock, iSZVUFU&& little, but the returns will real estate, etc. lines, 25 cents per line per week, 75 cents pep line per surprise you. month with no changes. r v "First In Everything" WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for cooking and general gen-eral housework; two In family; no laundry; good wages. Address M.. care Standard. 1 J; GIRL or woman for general house-it house-it work. 248 W. 4-1-lwk WANTEDMALE HELP HAVE a contract to distribute a mil lion free packages Soap Powder with soaps etc. Want reliable men and women to help. $16.00 weekly Wav-crly Wav-crly Brown. 730 N. Franklin, Chicago 4-3-lt ALWAYS steady work, good pay witri Uncle Sam; get full information International In-ternational Correspondence School, S. I) Rldeout, Mgr., Ecclcs Bldg AGENTWAJTE BIG commission, no capital necessary 2562 Washington 3-29-1 wk sSuATioNsrrcD If you want some plowing done call Phone 1341. J L Hubert, 257 S6th 0t MARRIED man wants work on ranch or farm. Experience Reply H.C . care-Standard care-Standard o-J-m CURTAINS done up. Phone i FOR RENT " FURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS AND1 APARTMENT8. 1 NICELY turnished up to date 3-room apartment; ideal location, no cWJ-ilren. cWJ-ilren. 2341 Adams avenue. 4-.-bi 2 FURNISHED rooms. 2054 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 740 23d SL 4 f THREE furnished housekeeping i corns with bath. 2338 Wall, 3-4-tf SROOM, modern. 2074 Adams. Purdy. phone 485. 4-,-iwh NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping; ground floor. FIRST-class apartment 430 26th 8t THREE pleasant rooms for light housekeeping; strictly modern 6o4 22nd. 411"k FOUR-room modern furnished apartment, apart-ment, sleeping porch, ideal location Phone 577-R 3 3M"k NICELY furnished front room 3 Uemen. Call 421 before 4 p. m. 3-29-tf HOUSEKEEPING rooms, MH-jjg i roe Ave. ,1 THREE-rm. apt. furnished and 2-rm unfurnished. 2640 Wash, J-29-lwk FURNISHED housekeeping on ground rloor 2759 Grant Ave. 3 29-lwk TWO and three furnished housekeeping housekeep-ing rooms with bath 466 22d 3-29-lwk TWO light housekeeping rooms. 2S46 Hudson Ave. Call evenings or Su0nJa' MODERN housekeeping rooms 2630 Adams. 3-27-lmo 4 ROOM, modern. Rear 315 27th St 3-24-tf 3-ROOM apartment, private bath and , sleeping porch Phone 1567-R. or call at residence. 2560 Orchard Ave- jWLY furnished 1. 2 and 3 room Housekeeping apt.. 2203 WiBh ROOMS and Apts. 427 24th 8 rriRNlSHED rooms, 2626 Adams. un 3-9-lmo HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or In suites furnished or unfurnished, in I 4 nv number, prices moderate; must hi rented. W. B, Wedell, 2468 Wash. n e rcuv 3-8-lmo PEARL Furnished Apts ; no children; chil-dren; hot water furnished 2711 rant. FURNISHED Apts ; no children; block east of Washington. 447 21st St. APARTMENTS at 2634 Grant ive. ""ROOMS AND BOARD TWO men to board and room In private family- 2J19 Madison. a GOOD Tlae for board and room lrm, reasonable No. 2139 Lincoln 1rB1" 3-8-lmo Ave. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS & APARTMENTS. i ATtGE rooms water and cellar. 245 W Patterson, phone 1598-K 4 3-iwk MTVKVroom house near R. R. Shops, No 2T01 Pacific Ave . $9 3-3ulwk M URToommoani, good condition. f ?, LVJement ga range, sleeping Ulh aood location, 2o; if you ap I house, Pbo,e m-R FIVE-room modern house, close In on Bench $16. R A. Norrls, Phono 710. 3-29-lwk NEW 5-room bungalow, full basement, 2 largp porches, one porch and hous well screened, $15 mo. 600 W. 24th St. 3-29-lwk MODERN 4-room house, bath room, pantry, closet, $16. 554 27th. 3-26 2wk A COSY four room house, $12.50 per month. Inquire Room 403 First National Na-tional Bank Bldg. 3-22-tf FIVE and 6-room cottages, modern. Apply 2634 Grant. Jf FOUR-room house, large lot and barn $9 per mouth. Inquire 2S57 Qulncy. 3-6-lmo DRESSMAKING DRESSES madf from $2 up. 2536 i Madison. Phone 1261-J. FARM FOR RENT. 40A FARM; 30 acres hay, near Garland. Gar-land. W. B. Wedell 3 24-tf WANTED TO RENT MODERN turnished room on Bench for gentleman P. O Box 707 8-31-31 POULTRY, SMALL fruit and poultry farm fully equipped to care for 1000 chickens. Price right; owner leaving city Tel 38-K5. 4-1-lwk LAYING hens, good strain Pl mouth Rock, White Leghorn. Buff Orpingtons. Orping-tons. Rhodp Island Reds 931 LMst. Phone 924-W. 3-31-lk FOR SALE. 144-egg incubator. Mrs Bowman. 212 X. Wash. J 29 lwk THOROUGHBRED S C. White Leghorn Leg-horn eggs, $1 50 and $1; Black Orpingtons. Orping-tons. $1 per setting. Write J. O Douglas, Doug-las, 26:12 Madison Ave. Phone S77 3-25-1 mo WHITE Leghorn cockerels and baby chicks; also esgs for hatching. $1 per 15, from Anconas, R. I Reds, Barr Rocks, 2365 Tyler. Phone 2524-W. 2- 25-2mo EGGS for hatching Pure bred Black Minorca ano Buff Orpington eggs, $1 for 16. Mrs. P. Maher, 639 7th St. 3-6-lmo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OLD Coins wanted. $50 paid for dollar dol-lar 1873 S. Mint. $2 for 1904 dollar, proof; ?7 for 1853 quarter no arrow." Many valuable coins circulating Send 4c for large coin circular. It may mean large profits to you. Send to Numismatic bank, Dept 62, Fl Worth, Tex. 4-3-lt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GIANT Pansy plants 25c per dozen, special prices on quantities, Mrs II M. Williams, Phone 269 W. 2665 Bion roe. 4 3-1 wk PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIAL. WE will develop one roll film any size for 10 cents. We make fine ior-traits, ior-traits, also the different grades of enlargements, commercial and home portrait work THE TRIPP PHOTO-STUDIO. 320 1-2 Twenty-fifth St. 8-3-tf SECOND-hand building material, cheap Between 24th and 23rd on Lin coin. 3-3-1 wk SINGLE rubber-tired buggy. Inquire 141 30th. Phono 2107-M. 3 3i lwk 1 A CENTURY dictionary and cyclopedia, cyclope-dia, 10 volumes, good condition. 2707 Jefferson. 3-31-lwk TWO first-class furniture wagons and one single harness; will sell at a bar gain. Boyle Furniture Co. 3-30-lwk DEER head, and baby buggy, good condition. Phone 1007-W 3-30-lwk WATCH our windows for special bargains bar-gains In furniture, new goods fresh from factory every few days. Pals grove Furniture Store, 2636 Washing ton 3-30-tf GOOD range with water jacket. $25 H J Purdy; 520 Cross St 3-30-lwk THREE single horse delivery outfits Russell-James Co., corner 24th aDd Lincoln. 3.30 tf NEW kitchen cabinets, $11 up, at Palsgrovo Furniture Store, 2636 Washington Wash-ington 3-30-tf A GOOD top buggy and t-lngle harnr ss Phone 2263-M. 3-30-lwk HOUSEHOLD furniture and fine kitchen cabinet. 2923 Wash. 3 30-lwk DROPHEAD Singer Sewing machine; a bargain; parties leaving town. Inquire In-quire 2515 Lincoln Ave. 3 29-lwk 3- 29-lwk NATIONAL ('ash Register. Grpat bargain, bar-gain, only $25. Write today. Guthrie Bicycle Co., 228 E. 2d South St., Salt Lake. 3-19 Imo BUILDING PAPER. CARD Boards or old mats. 1 7122-Inch 7122-Inch size, suitable for lining out bouses, chicken coops or to lay under carpets on rough floors, for sale at The Standard Office. One Cent Each 2-26-tl German Canaries, Pincers, 2220 Lin. Av 2-11-tf Read the Classified Adi. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE E. W. CANNADY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 5 ACRES inside city limits, good house and water right. Best land in Weber county price $3500. It's worth $1000 more ONE-FOURTH acre only, half a block from Wash Ave., dandy little house, barn and chicken runs. Fruit, vari ous small fruits, garden and water right, $1800. 25 ACRES near Ogden, with water right. 4-room house. 18 acres under cultivation Will soil for $4500 Cash payment of $500 will handle. E W. CANNADY 2427 Hudson Ave. ' 4 3-tf J. J. WALKER, REAL ESTATE I ALL kinds of snaps on farms and , city property Phone 225-W. Office 384 25th St 4-2-tf GOOD five-room house, hay shed, buggy shed, stable, chicken coop and one acre of good garden land for $1200; $500 down. Box 85, Clearfield. lTth 3-26-2wks FINE room moderen brick bungalow, desirably located, lawn and park in lot runs to alle) ; price only 2.400. 3- rooin modern house on the Bench, $1150, terms R. A NORRIS, 1650 Washington. Phone 710. 3-29-tf BARGAIN. EIGHT 40 foot lots, 137 fL deep to jallev, all together, on Bench, south front, sidewalk, sewer, city water, on car line. Price, for quick sale. $35' per lot These lots will double in value val-ue in short time Inquire of Owner, 10S4 21st St Phone 2684-M. 3-26-tt ABSOLUTELY the best bargain In the city In building lots, 50x172 to 1 80 ft all covered with fruit; beet water right out of Ogden river Call 1950-R 3-27-lrao MODERN rooming house, consisting of 24 rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water, nicely furnished, centrally lo cated, on good terms. Kelly & Her- rlck' ' 3-25-11 GREAT bargain in business property located on Washington avenue. This property will double in value In thy next three years. Can be purchased with small payment down, balance on terms to suit, reasonable rate of in terest. J. J. Brummltt, under Ulan National bank. 4- ROOM, modern, pantry and closet, larjso garden lot. At a sacrifice if taken at once from owner. Phone 2396. 3-22-1 mo 26TH STREET. A good seven-room house with large lot, lawn, trees; everything ev-erything in first-class condition; well located on 25th street for only $2800 J J. Brummltt, Phone 59. SBVEN-room modern 2644 Lafayette; easy term; bargain. Phone 1932 W. 11 4 tf BY owner, 4-rm. house; 150 chickens, cow, large barn and coops. 560 2nd St 3-12-lmo I AN elegant lot within one block of 1 new cereal factory Very cheap, on terms. J. J Brummltt, Phono 69. 5 or 6 rm mod. homes, only $1800 4-room. modern homes only $17uo 3 rooms, large lot, only $1250 8-room modern houne. only $2000 j For safe Investment on Real Estato, Phon R C. McBride, 1427. 3 5 tf I CITY lot, containing house and store with furniture; cash $2200, fine business busi-ness location. National Realty Co, 2300 Washington Ave. Phone 1S44-W. 3-5-lino J THREE, 4, 5 or 6-rm. homos ut leust. ! poslble price Phone 1427. 3 3 tf County Real Estate For SaU FOR SALE FARM LANDS. 30 ACRE farm one mile from Ogden; six acres fruit. 7 acres alfalfa, five acres pasture, balance beet land, modern mod-ern house, large barn and cow-barn, plenty of other buildings, all farm machinery needed; two horses, 2 cows, harness, wagon, surrey, buggy. I becooker, etc, ample water for all laud. Price $11,000; terms, 12000 cash, balance on long time. FEDERAL LAND & MORTGAGE CO. Eomclee Building. Ogden, Utah 3-30-lwk FARMS! FARMS! I 47 ACRES, 5 room house, good out) buildings. Close to beet dump and canning factory, $2200; $400 down, balance $200 per year. 10 ACRES, black loam soil, 5-room house, big barn, 8 blocks off Wash. Ave. Will trade for nice home Don't matter what jou want in the farm ilne, J. F. WALKER has it. See me today 416 24tl St. Phone 1491-W. 3-20-tf CHICKEN RANCH. A good five room houso with one-half aero of land with good water right, located on car line in good neighborhood. For only $400 down, balance same as paying rent, rout. THIS PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD. J. J BrummitL under Utah National Bank FOR SALE OR TRADE. 4-ACRE farm, improved, perpetual water wa-ter right; modern 4-room bungalow. See John Fair, 2041 Wash. Ave. 3-22-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I WANT to borrow $2000 on real estate securities; will pay S per cent interest. Address L. L, care Standard. 4-3-1 wk STOCK to pasture. 400 acres Fosters East 7th St., $1.50 mo. 3 26 tr WANTED-CIm, wklto old rafft, at the Standard of Dm. Phoa 61, 310 24th St. liu FURNITURE HIGHEST cash prlco paid for used household goods. Phone 440, 2274 Wash 3-10-1 mo LOST. WILL party seen taking parcej. containing con-taining a table centre-piece, Thurs day afternoon, April 1, please return same to Standard Office and save further fur-ther trouble 4-3-2t JERSEY cow and yearling calf, both dehorned. Return 2661 Adams. 4 3 2t MISCELLANEOUS PAY account due Hendershot at Mc-Bride's Mc-Bride's Drug Store or mall to 805 24th St 3-12-lmo MONEY TO LOAN DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, guns, etc TLumA Loaa office, Qrant'fc 25th C 18 lyr MONEY to loan on real estate necur- lty. J. J. BrummitL 4 27 tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MR. DK, 218 Col. Hudson Building. Salaried people can get It without security. Others on Furniture, Pla uou, etc. Can be repaid la mill weekly or monthly payment. VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. Bundy, removed from 2150 Wash, to 2346 Hudson. Phone 828 3 6 lmo. PERSONAL. COMBINGS made up. Mrs Dixon. 2266 Washington. 3-4-lmo Chimney Sweep CHIMNEYS and furnaces cleaned Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 1243 3-4-lmo FRATERNAl SOCIETIES Utah Camp No 9990 Modern Woodmen Wood-men of America, meets every Wednesday Wed-nesday night In the I O O. F. hall, Fraternity block. Out of town members mem-bers cordially invited to meet with us H J Copock, Consul; J. R. Hlnchcllff, Clerk. Ogden Lodge No. 5 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, meets In I. O. O F. hall eery Tuesday evening. Vis iting brothers cordially invited to be present L. E Lorance, N. G.; Henry Kissel, Secretary. Brotherhood of American Yeomen Ogden Homestead No. lf.05 meets on eery Tuesday evening in W. O. W hall, Fraternity building, Washington avenue. Visiting Archers are cordially cordial-ly Invited to meet with us. E M. Reid. foreman. J. A Junk, correr pondent, 2202 Washington avenue. Order ot Owls. Ogden Nest, No 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Frl day evening in chelr own hall (the old Elk club rooms) at S o'clock Visiting Visit-ing Prctber Owls are invited to attend the Nest meetings. William W. Harcombe, Presideut. Joseph Cromp-ton. Cromp-ton. Secretary. Roal Neighbors of America meets every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall. Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors invited BSlla Mitchell, O. R.. 247 21st street. Lillian Newton, Recorder, 27th and yulncy. Women of Woodcraft, Ugden Clrclo No. 81. meets ovcry Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, new SVoodman Hall, Fraternity Bldg., Washington Ave., visiting Neighbors invited. Dues will be collected on the 6th of each month at Mlsch Drug Storo. Addle A. Fellows, Fel-lows, G. N , 126 Poplar avenue, phone 1 1285-R. Marie Crltes, Clerk. 2731 Mon- 1 roe Ave. Phone 1931-R. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogden Aerie No. 118, F. O. E., moots every Wednesday evening at Eagles' ball. Hudson avenue, at i o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are Invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. m. Geo. F. Roach, V. Presl- dent; E. R. Geiger Secretary, Drs. EL R. Forbes aud Paul lugebretson. Aerie l,hsiclaus. Ogden Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pythias, Py-thias, meets every Monday evening at ' 8 o'clock in Caatle Hall of the Pythian Py-thian building, 2351 Gram avenue 1 Visiting Kaights welcome. J. M Bishop, Bish-op, C. C; W. L. Underwood, K R. S.; Edgar A. Ford. M F , 2340 Grant Ave' Woodmen of the World. Weber '. Camp No. 74, meets in the W. O. W. hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washing- j ton avenue, every Thursday ovoning at 8 o'clock Visiting Woodmen cor dially invited to attend. C. H liar-tog. liar-tog. C. Cm W, M. PIggott, Clerk. Queen City Rebekah Lodge No. 4, J , O. O. F., meets second and fourth 1 Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows c hall. Visiting members Invited. Laura ' Randall, N. G.; Haael Wolhaupter. e Recording Secretary. Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, Silver Hive No. 1, meets every first and third Friday evenings at 8 o'clock; and every second and fourth Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock, In Woodmen hall, Fraternity block. Visiting Vis-iting members cordially Invited to attend. at-tend. Anna Holden, L. C; L. Jennie Frout. R. K. MASONIC Queen Esther chapter No. 4, O. E. S , regular meetings held at Masonic hall on. Washington Ave., between 25th and 26th Sts , the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning So-journing members cordially invited to attend. Nevada Cook. W. M ; Callie E. Cave, Secretary. Royal Highlanders, Ogden Castln No. 625 meets In the new I. O. O. F, hall. Fraternity block, 2320 Wash. Ave., every 2nd and 4th Friday evenings eve-nings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highlanders High-landers cordially Invited. Alford BurgI, 111, Pro.; William Muller, 8ec-Treas Fire! Fire! Fire! I Do you ever stop to think that you may be involved in the next fire? Sj ll Do you know that a fire may wipe out the earnings of a Ilfetlme7 ' I Don't be caught like ao many have and say, I should have carried 1 Fire Insurance, but I did not think it would happen. Fire Insurance Is an essential part of your business and protection I IH for your home. Hfl We are In a position to carrv any amount of Insurance for you. IHh We are carrying Insurance en nearly all the leading Business con- 2 cerns In Ogden at a saving n cost to them. U Let our representative call on you and give you our rates and we H may show you how to save money on your Fire Insurance. , H Phone 115, or call and see HE CARL C. RASMUSSON I REAL ESTATE, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE AND PLATE BB GLASS INSURANCE AND RENTAL AGENCY. H Business Directory I Accordion Plaiting j Done In all lengths. 2565 Cole's Court, rear 240 2Cth St. Tel. 1180-jJ. Assay Office Union Assay Office, Inc., 152-lDt South West Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. P. O. Box 1446. City Scavenger City Scavenger McCarty & Co., ?723 Grant Bell phono 201S-W. Carpet Cleaning fC Van Kampen Phone 8S3 for up-bolstering, up-bolstering, mattress making, rustretch-Ing rustretch-Ing of bed springs. Chiropractors F. J. Freeuo' . D. C, Graduate Chiropractor. Chir-opractor. No drugs, surgery or osteopathy; os-teopathy; try chiropractic Rooms 212-2L3-214 Col Hudson Bldg. Phon3 111. R. J. Scbultz, Chiropractor. J27 Hudson Bldg. Res, phone 15C2-R. Counselor-at-Law Lawyer O'Connully ovor Commar-sla! Commar-sla! National Bank Bldg., 369 24th Rt Phone 11. Floors Polished 'LOURS reflnished and polished; vail paper cleaned. J. Sully, Ogden aint & Glass Co 3-13-lmo Foundries & Machine Shops All klndg of brass and Iron castings, ffachlno. Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. 5hone 647. Western Foundry Ma- bine Company. Read the Classified Ada - 1 ..... 1 1 , -- . Read the Classified Ads. Fruits I London Fruit Co, Produce, fruit and vegetables, wholesale and retail. G. j Kallas. 224 25th. Phone 587. HotcT Safety, comfort, moderate. New Brlgham Lotel, 24th and Wall Ona block from depot Only fire-proof i hotel in the city. Reduced rates for permanent gueata Rates, 75o and up Theo Gorie. Prop. Modern Plumbing j Welshans Plumbing & Hoating Co., 2325 Hudson. First-class work guar-: anteed Phones 869 and 1403-W. 2-22-lyr Monumental Work See MITCHELL BROS, for monumental monu-mental work. Don't pay big commission commis-sion to agents Pictures of monuments monu-ments aru misleading. 2003 Jeff. P. 2218. New and Second-hand Goods ANYTHING A. to 2, new or second, I hot, sold or exchanged. Phone C33-W. New and Eecond-hand furniture, cloth, fng and shoes, bought, sold or ex- changed; also trunks and suitcases ' cheap. A. Slner, Phone 1321. 179 25th 5 13 lyr I Photographer The Noggle Studio. Fine portraits, j views. All klndd of commercial work. Best kodak finishing In tho city. s Phono 388-J. 416 24th St 0 Physician and Surgeon Dr. A Fernlund, Physician ant" Sur. Jj geon Office hours ll to 4 p. m. New ' Pecry Bldg. Hudson Are. Phone J L900-W. Residenco phone 3129-W. G46 1 Wash. Ave. Kead the Claislfl6d Ada t Painting and Decorating j Painting and Decorating, Tinting C and Wall Work a specialty. H. D. m Steward. Phone G79-J. 1444 24th St. K ' 8-23 tf p; : Sanitary Work Tour Garbage hauled regular. San!- Wf' tarr can furnished free. Sanitrjy Oar- jft'. bage Co . Phone 620. f$. Spirella Corsets K Lillian Parkinson. 663 25th. Phon K; ' 100. 3 22-lmo I. I Storage Batteries M I Recharged, repaired, stored; satis- B I faction guaranteed. Electric Service Co , 425 24th St 2 22 ti Bp Veterinarian Rt. Dr A. J Webb. Veterinarian. 2347 El''.. Hudson Ave. Phone 372. 2 16-3mo Wall Paper Cleaning. E Ar Tinted walls; all work guaranteed. K I Edgren & Lothrop. Phone 134S-W. 3-11-lmo K' ' James Thompson, expert paper H I Meaner Work guaranteed Phone K'i v 168. 3-!6-3mo . ENN BEATS YALE IN SWIMMING MEET tt r ' Now York. April 2 Pennsylvania Ev,' iofeated Yale In a dual swimming K' X' neet here tonight 28 points to 25. rhe meeting was the second in the k cries arranged in an effort to break K H he tie for the Intercollegiate champi- JK,j I nship. fik-' The third meet is set for April 16 ; :ucl Pennsylvania can win the honor R:" I iy defeating Columbia on that OCCa- (HI ion. Should Columbia win. howev- BfcV ; r, the triple tie again will be estali- K; I Ishod as Yale beat Columbia here Mr i-i ist night. VC' co H Read the Classified Ads. B$j$V |