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Show NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, I l;ih December 22. 191 6. NOTICE is hereby given that Vivian Viv-ian ('. Waddoups. of Malone. I'tah. who. on November 22. 1913, made Homestead Entry. Serial No. 0 1 1 974, for W '.,. Sertion 3. Township 25 South. Ilange 1 '1 West. Salt Lake Meridian, has fie! notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish estab-lish claim to the land above described, de-scribed, before H"rbcrt Nichols, U. S. Commissioner, at Milford. Utah, on the 3 1 st day of January. 1917. Claimant names as witnesres: John ICaymor.d. E. H. Adams, Thomas Johnson and Grover C. Guthrie, all of .Malone. Utah. Date of first publication, December. Decem-ber. :!l. 1916. Date of final publicjt iun. Jnnuarv 2C. 1:1 17. GOULD II. BLAKELY. Register. |