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Show Kt,,-"iiv.,r.J.,Vwa - ,:ti.-C.....' -.n.lfc-.'-'' J WBtt V & V COMPLETE STOCKS When we say "complete stocks," that's just what we mean. There's no half way point about it with us. Complete in assortment of kinds IT WILL PAY YOU TO SPEXO "YOUR MONEY WITH THE FOLKS WHO ARE FIXED TO FURNISH THE KIND OF LIMBER LIM-BER BEST SUITED FOR THE USE TO WHICH YOU WANT TO PUT IT. Complete in assortment of commercial sizes WHY BUY SOMETHING YOU DON'T WANT? GET YOUR LUMBER WHERE YOU CAN FIND JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Economy comes in cutting out waste. F a N N EVILLE LUMBER CO - -,-TTrrr-- Kl . -- - Milford Lund Modcna JEFFERSON Mercantile Co. FANCY GROCERIES all kinds of MEATS. $l Veal, Tork, $ Mutton, jJeals, fx Fresh Fish Every Thursday and $M Friday. Fresh Oysters every day. We specialize on High Grade Coffees, Teas and Spices. MIT FORD Everything: for Blasting, ITT Ail HERCULES POWDERS, U i AH GIANT POWDERS, Phone No. 20 CAPS AND FUSE, MINING SUPPLIES, and SPORTING AMMUNITION. We Sell the Famous 0LD MASTER COFFEE, and specialize on ) Chase & Sanborn u TEAS AND COFFEES. FOR THE HOUSE j nips, Parsnips, Carrots, WIFE. j Pears, Peaches. Plums, Celery, SwTeet Spuds, Apples, Oranges. Ba-Cauliflower, Ba-Cauliflower, Bell Pep- nanas, Muscat Grapes, pers, Egg Plant, Cab- Tokay Grapes, Concord bage, Cucumbers, Tur- Grapes. We have the RANGE YOU WANT AND IT MAKES A GIFT THAT BRINGS JOY AND SATISFACTION BURNS & BIRD CO. r W IfiM. XMn - WINTER NIGHTS ARE HOME NIGHTS 0 Your living room can be made warm Oil pives ten 6teady hours of clean and comfortable in a few minutes if glowing warmth, you have a PERFECTION A Perfection Heater makes you com- SMOKELESS OIL HEATER. fortable when Ituhing, dressing or resting. Soid at hardware, furniture The Perfection Heater can be carried and general stores. The Perfection about as easily as a woman's work burns kerosene, the handiest and basket. A gallon of Conoco Safety most convenient of fuels. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY 0 (A Colorado Corporation) ", r PERFECTION S"ke 0T Uoic SMOKEL.4U HEATERS Albuquerque .., V'l,l,J I TRY THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS FOR JOB I PRINTING. YOU'LL SURELY BE SATISFIED |