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Show OUR RAILWAY NEWS COLUMN Devoted to the Use of Local Railroad Notes I Items of Interest to Railway Folks Gathered from Sundry Sources M. C. Schow and Mr. Stewart are efficiently handling the freight house job. W. R. Martin, local agent, was unloading un-loading a car of Studebakers at the freight depot Wednesday. Mr. Armstrong, the Royal typewriter type-writer man. was rounding up business busi-ness in Milford Thursday. Art Wood, formerly roadniaster's clerk, has taken the position of assistant as-sistant to the cashier at the Salt Lake freight house. F. J. Boudreau. Salt Lake agent at Caliente was temporarilly transferred trans-ferred to Milford during the absence of Agent H. C. Banning who was called to Salt Lake City to attend the funeral of his brother. Mr. Boudreau Boud-reau was the regular agent at Milford Mil-ford in 1912 and enjoyed renewing ome old acquaintances. He returned to Caliente Monday. J. L. Dunkley, cashier at the freight house of the Salt Lake Route became ill and is recuperating as his former home at American Fork. Cameron Arrington, assistant cashier cash-ier of the Milford State Bank, formerly for-merly an employee at the Salt Lake offices in Milford, left his berth at the bank to assist the freight' department de-partment in making out reports and other exacting work. H. C. Banning, depot agent, was called to Salt Lake City Friday night by the death of his brother, C. W. Banning Jr. The deceased was 2S years of age and leaves a widow. The funeral was held Sunday Sun-day in Salt Lake City, the Odd Fel- ' lows having charge of the services. Interment was made in Mt. Olive cemetery. C. W. Banning was foreman fore-man for the American Smelting Co., at Murray, Utah, where he contracted contract-ed poisoning from the fumes of the plant, which resulted in his death. |