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Show ! SOCIAL and FRATERNAL ;'.vt. I:.:!ry ,Ii n it.-oii way the ''mm Tinnv'iuy. T''K- Ladies Aid ''y "hi a U'vn .on v--ry :i;urh. j A (.lai'ny two ciiiirsc luncheon was t V v MilS. MLWTKll K.Vl KKT.W.SS One- oL ihe ;1 ! iirh ; r u 1 a Hairs of r. h e v . k was ih F r i ' ! a y A i rernoou Sowing C'luii. which was entertained by Mrs. H. ('. Eii'.nter. juinresiiiii-'iits were nerved and all had a lovtdy time. t ; t I : X A M ! ' M !: T Ol'FICKKS Arthur Lewis, c'nief patron, Har-rold Har-rold Harrington, S. W. ; J. A. Ingols. nigh priest; William Elmer, secretary; secre-tary; are tlie officers elected for Saunders Encampment . 1. O. O. F. Xo. !i. of Milford. .t. .'. .1. i t i I. ). ). K. ELECTS OFFICERS Milford Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows h-s elected the following fol-lowing oliicers to serve during tlie eurr-'nt year; 0. J. Mclntire, grand noble; A. P. McKeon. vice-grand; Arthur Wood, secretary; ilarrold Harrington, treasurer. t t f ! CIJH.Oi'.EX'S PROGRAMS The Children's Program given Friday evening at tlie L. D. S. church was a great success. The amusement amuse-ment committee will give these little entertainments every other Friday. The next will be on Friday, January 10. There will be an entire change of program. t t t THEY EX.fOYEO "500" Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hunter entertained enter-tained a few friends one evening the first part of the week. The evening even-ing was passed in playing "500". A delicious luncheon was served. Those present v.-ere: Mrs. Berk-! Berk-! heimer, Mrs. Blount. Mr. Larson, Mr. McAllister, Mr. Everett and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer. M rs. Elmer, Mr. Everett. Mrs. Berkhcimer and Mr. Larson were ihe lucky ones. T ft MiLFORi) MASONS ELECT Albert Pike Lodge, F and A. M. Xo. 1-1, of Milford. has elected the following oliicers to serve, during the year. 1017: R. C. Lemon, worshipful worship-ful master; D. A. Baxter senior vaia'ea ; Herbert NMehois. junior wart'en; weerge Jefferson, treasurer and J. A. ingols, secretary. YOUXQ I'EOPS.I-l EXJOY CARDS Miss Vein. a Stoddard, who has been spending the holidays at home, entertained a crowd of young folks at Iter home last Wednesday evening. The evening was spent in playing -:ards and with music. Dainty refreshments re-freshments were served. Those present pres-ent v.'ere Messrs.. Dan Ferguson, Vivian Duffin, Mathan Smith, Leo White. Stanley Tanner. Wesley Carlisle. Car-lisle. Reed LaTourette and Misses Catherine Smithson Juanita Miller. Levah Smithson Leano FoMicring-".2in FoMicring-".2in and Ann Griffiths. t t tv FIRST LADY OF THE STATE Mrs. Simon Bamberger is well known as a public spirited woman interested in charitable and philanthropic philan-thropic work and well fitted to fill the lofty position that has been lately late-ly thrust upon her. the wife of the governor, the first lady of the state. While of a retiring disposition, Mrs. Earberyer has been distinguished distinguish-ed for her good work on boards of important local charitable and philanthropic phil-anthropic organizations where her executive ability and pleasing personality per-sonality have made her extremely nopular and helpful. In connection with her duties as chairman of the art department of the Utah State Fair Association. .Mrs. Bamberger will long be remembered, re-membered, having brought the de- j partment up to a high state of efficiency ef-ficiency by her own personal and untiring un-tiring efforts. Governor and Mrs. Bamberger have three children, Mrs. Arthur Beal. of New York, formerly Miss Helen Bamberger: Miss Elsa Bam- j berge.r. who is in her senior year at Smith college and Julian Bamberger who is associated with his father i extensive business interests. T'eey also have three grandchildren, grandchild-ren, two boys ami one girl, children of .':,'s. ie'ial, the youngest hoy having hav-ing been born on New Year's Eve. ' 'he day before tlie in a ugu ration of j Ms grand'';' : her as (bo Governor of i '"rail. DANCE AX 1) SUPPER TONIGHT j Friday the 12th. there will he a dance at the L. D. S. church. The public is welcome to come ami have 1 a good time, j t t t i CATHOLIC LADIES MEET j Tlie Catholic Ladies spent a very I pleasant afternoon Thursday, at the j home of Mrs. LaTourette. The time was spent in sewing, after which a dainty dinner was served. v t t W. O. X. O. CLUB The W. O. N. O. Club spent Wednesday Wed-nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elmer. The usual pastime was enjoyed by all. The prizes were won by Mrs. Jorgensen, Mr. Adkins, first and Mr. Jorgensen and Mrs. Adkins consolation prizes, t t t RUTH CHAPTER, O. E. S. Ruth Chapter No. (j, of the Order of the Eastern Star has elected officers of-ficers for the new year as follows: Worthy Matron Ruth Williams Worthy Patron Jas. A. Ingols Associate Matron ....Augusta Elmer Secretary Millie Berkhimer Treasurer Rachel Jefferson Conductress Hazel Adkins Associate Con Clara Blunt Chaplain Meredith Casswell Marshal Blanche Jefferson Organist Florence P. Ingols Adah Ruth Thiessen Ruth Ruby Nichols Esther , . Nine Thiessen Martha isabelle Sloan Electa Jean Boyter Warder Jennie Hunter Sentinel Henry Hunter tt J , MACCABEUS TO ORGANIZE Milford will soon have a lodge of the Maccabees that will, upon its initial meeting have tlie largest membership mem-bership of any fraternal organization organiza-tion in Beaver county. M. Bernstein, Bern-stein, organizer, has succeeded in obtaining ob-taining a long list of men of Milford and three clays work at Moscow resulted re-sulted in securing nearly every able bodied man in that busy ruining camp, 2 7 ill all. There will be a meeting for organization on Tuesday evening, January 1G. The new lodge will give a free ball in the Opera House which will be a strictly invitational invi-tational affair and for which careful preparations are beirg made to assure as-sure it of being one of the most delightful de-lightful events in the social life of Milford for 1017. The invitations twill be limited to 300 and those who ', receive the dainty cards of invitation invita-tion will indeed be fortunate. The Maccabees have an insurance department which is very attractive and which has been the means of saving many widows and orphans from want after the death of the husband and father of the household. house-hold. The order is famous for the prompt payment of insurance and as a social institution is not excelled. There is yet an opportunity for entering en-tering the charter list of members if you desire to participate in this new order. |