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Show HOT OFF THE WIRE About People and Events of Local Interest Mirny nils of ( n foriiuitiiiii ;:itlici'i-c! lit i':t:n!inil ;ilr! .. rr;i o L;otl ior Ii:tpill i.rcN-rs Miss Union Valnn'r wnii, to S-.tU Lako Tuesday to visit frionds. - County Siiporintomlcmt of orhools E. W. Whito, of Ui'iivfr. was visiting visit-ing tlie Milford schools Tuesday of this week. Tlie Ladies Aid will meet at 11: 30 Thursday afternoon of next week with Mrs. Allison. iir. and ?drs. J. A. L' onion left for Salt Lake last night, where Mr. Lenimon expects to obtain employment employ-ment for the winter. , Don't overlook the reading of the first issue of Dobson's Weekly Bulletin Bul-letin in this paper: It is a newsy quarter page ad something new. William Cline returned from Salt Lake City Wednesday night after a week in the state metropolis buying goods for the Golden Rule Store. Utah sheepman, according to the stato sheep commission receive $3,-500,000 $3,-500,000 for 1H1G wool clipT and $!,-500.000 $!,-500.000 for mutton shipped p:i --.!. Harry Cushion, Traffic Agent of the D. & R. G. road, spent Thursday Thurs-day in this' vicinity, examining conditions con-ditions at the Dearer Lake Aielais mine. The mid-term promotion:; for the first semesier of the county schools will he made January 12. x:i radiations radi-ations are now 'oei?ig hej-i for thn: purpose. Sidney RoIit". W v-'th t&f M'tl-f:)rd M'tl-f:)rd basket hall team this morning for Hinkley and Delta where tlie boys will play today aud tomorrow respectively. C. R. Goff. of ';'ida. has puri-hu -. through E. M. Colvin, of Nad i. rour-ty rour-ty r-KOUt. an Af"":o!ur '.vin.lmi'l wil'i a ten foot wheel and thirty foot tow-e.'. tow-e.'. :d:-. Colvin also sold a windmill to Adojph Salm of Milford, this week. - Cameron Arlington. as..ua; cashier of the Milford State Bank, helped out at the freight department depart-ment of the Salt Lake a portion of this week, because of a rush of work in the railroad, offices and a shortage of help. There will he Sunday school at ten o'clock Sunday morning at the Methodist church. Epworth League at eleven o'clock. Subject. "The Morning Watch led by Mrs. Allison. Alli-son. Regular preaching by the pastor, pas-tor, Rev. S. Allison at 7:30 p. m. Managing director. Lew Merriman of the Beaver Lake Metals mine, came in from Eureka Wednesday night, in response to a telegram advising ad-vising him of the new snike on his company's property in this county, and spent most of yesterday at the mine. Miss Velma Stoddard. who has been spending the past three weeks with her parer.'s. returned to Salt I.ske Sunday morning. Miss Stoddard Stodd-ard is finishing high school in that city this year and will return home in the spring. |