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Show UTAH'S SCENERY IS UNSURPASSED As th,e years pass and the West comes more prominently to the front, financially, socially, politically and otherwise, it is more and more a mecea for tourists. , And as these tourists come to know more of the west, among them grows an interest in the Grand Canyon and in the already al-ready famous Little Zion Canyon. Since the Salt Lake Route reaches the most convenient entrances to these wonder spots it is rapidly becoming be-coming popular as the route to them. Wonderlands, these are indeed, They are not much known and have been only comparatively little visited. visit-ed. Those, however, who have seen them, and particularly those who have had opportunity to visit Little Zion Canyon, declare the scenery of that part of Utah unsurpassed in inspiring grandeur. Already the Salt Lake Route has begun a campaign cam-paign to advertise these scenes. Through its support of the Arrowhead Arrow-head Trails association, it is strongly strong-ly advocating the construction of an automobile way through Utah's Dixie, Dix-ie, connecting this city with Los Angeles, An-geles, and touching these magnificent creations of nature's caprices. When once that shall have been done, as now seems certain that it will be, and as seems just as certain will be' largely resultant upon the efforts of the officials of the Salt Lake Route, Utah may not only boast of having some of the world's grandest scenery, scen-ery, but also that that scenery is easily accessible. Not only is this company actively interested in settling up the valleys along its line, but as well in fhe prosperity of the settlers. Hardly a day passes when the company does not exert some effort along the line of improving the conditions under un-der which those settlers work and live. Particularly in the matter of efficient irrigation of the lands on which they settle does the company expend time, effort and money. Experimental work progresses every day and every year, in order to learn what most profitable can be grown here, and to teach the farmers how best to grow it. Dry farm methods, water conservation. hints on stock raising, planting, etc., together with the distribution of seeds, agricultural bulletins and other oth-er matter, constitute only part of the helps given by the company to the residents along its line. Assisting Assist-ing in obtaining water through the pumping system, in marketing cattle cat-tle and the products of the farms, as well as otherwise serving its patrons, pat-rons, has become a daily task of the traffic department of the company. Deseret News Christmas Number. |