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Show A BIG LOAD vFOR l A LITTLE bl r MONEY $X how I I'm setting started right and starting all customers cus-tomers right with big loads of goods for tittle money. That is unusual for these times. Come see me and get a big load of value in seasonable goods for a small load of Uncle Sam's coin. A. F. ftflcCulley Mlford Leather Goods Company HARNESS AND SADDLERY, BLANKETS, WHIPS, ROBES Auto Tops Dressed and Repaired. Harness and Saddles Built to Order REPAIRING t ' , J. L. GRIFFITHS Carries the best and most comp lete stock of everything in Groceries,. Dry Goods, Miners' Supplies and all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats If there is anything you want, we have it and can supply you at right prices. Frisco, Utah Something New inMilf ord Quirk Drug Co. recently purchased a supply of the best eczema remedy in the world. Ask about Dry ZENSAL for the dry, scaly skin and Moist ZEN-SAL ZEN-SAL for the watery eruptions. Two perfect remedies reme-dies for the treatment of skin diseases. Sold by QUIRK DRUG COMPANY Milford Leather Goods Company Shoe Repairing Neatly Done All Work Guaranteed Half Soles - Rubber Heels - Patches If you are looking for re-i re-i suits, advertise your wants i in our want Column. |