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Show : v !'i:o.n:( r i' ii: m.i: riis - - - If l.ry Lak'-r was ill .'.i :1 iurd .Monday. .Mon-day. Va!!Tg I.i-i.tii! has !f..n out of .-'hoo! for a we'd:. iiT fronl a severe ...hi. - .lohn EHis has la-en d.oirg some ; ."ork for tie- I 'rafon.ia Uirn-h Com-j:,;.ny. Com-j:,;.ny. ciiep,)i:ig v.immI and feieiug. O J Tin! school au'o, flrivc-n by Lin KH.ay, for Mr. Font-;, is carrying j i " !) 1 ! p lai's ti) l hi' Milford : iihool.s. ! i Jeury Rohm anil if. ('. Lewison i aade a raid on the rabbits last Sun-: Sun-: lay. each bringing home a good load of th'-in. An important event in the family of James Hanks at the Palmer ""iich was the arrival on December 1 . ef a lit t le son. Dick and Marshal Kirkland are hauling ore and John Ellis is chief ! cook at tlie bachelor headquarters j in the Kelting house. Miss Xita Lemmon writes from Salt Lake City that she is enjoying her work at the hospital where she is taking a training course. W. I. Moody, presidents of thr Deita Land & W ater Company was in Salt Lake City Wednesday and made the Milford office a visit this week. Tlie regular meeting of the Milford Mil-ford Valley Farm Bureau will lie held at the Hillside school house Saturday, Sat-urday, January 27. at 2:30. at which lime. County Agent Christensen is expected to he present and address the meeting upon plans for the coming com-ing season. - An auto collided with a buggy near the Kelting ranch. V'.hIw--,-" night and smashed the buggy shaves and crippled the horse slightly. Fortunately For-tunately iin person was hurt. The auto was ruaiiing without lights and neither driver saw the other until upon the instant of collision. Elam Fonts returned from St Louis Wednesdav. t-te reports a a'-- essful and profitable trip with ! '"'s two carloads of mules. The 'vr-.Oirr was war"! along the war I ami in the city of -"ures. Mr. Font--j has re umed fo job of transporting the school children from the project to Milford. |