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Show SUPT. A. LI. GILBERT RESIGNS B. C. I. JOB THERE IS BIG DEMAND FOR ENGINEERS The Beaver County Irrigation Company is without an engineer. There is a good job open for some capable man with the right kind of ex- perience and training and lots of red blood in his veins. For it is a real man's job. Mr. Gilbert tendered his resignation one month ago at the regular meeting of the board of directors. The resignation was tabled at that meeting as Mr. Gilbert was present and stated that there was no haste necessary in acting upon th matter. Mr. Gilbert had considerable I map and data work to finish to complete bis records. The present board considered that the man who is to serve as superintendent the com- ing season should be selected, by the new board which is to be elpcted at the regular annual meeting. Thursday. January IS. 1 Mr. Gilbert is a man of wide experience in the profession of engineering. He is a native of Washington. I). C. and a son of G. K. Gilbert. I one of the most noted geologists in the country. He came to the B. C. 1. Company from the Arrow Rock dam where he was one of the en- ; gineers on construction at that project. Besides being an expert in his particular line of work, he is a gentleman in the highest sense of the word. It is probable that Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert will make their home in San Francisco. In this connection it may b" interesting to state that never before has there been such a demand for competent engineers. The Utah j Copper Company has advertised for sev, -mv-five construction engineers, offering salaries of $ 1 7 S . f o per month and bonus, of an aririiticual j $33 per month each if they will stay with the big corporation one year. ' ' |