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Show UTAH GETS $41,167 RESERVE ROADS Announceinent was made to- day at. Oflon headquarters of thn Forest Service tli;i1. tin; Secretary of Agriculture has approved Die allotment. of tundu for the second year un- er Section K. nf the Federal Aid Road Art.. I'nder thin sort ion of tho law fhe sum of $10,000,000 in ap- propriated. to be spent in ten yearly installments, in ro-oper- ation with the states and the eountkH. fur the const ruetiorr and niaintenanre (ff roads and trails within or partly within the National Forests. Fnder the allotment, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, ! 1!H7. Idaho reroivea $108,730; ! Malt and Nevada $n.- ; These amounts are pnic- ' M'-ally equal to those allotted to thej-c- Hf;i1eK during the pre.s- 1 ent fiscal year. j Advertise in the Heaver (,'ounly News |