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Show Inside and Out A box of our selected Chocolates Choco-lates and Creams is attracts o Inside and out. They aro tho best careful hand work can make. They have that touch of excellence so desirable and unusual. The price, 40 cents, gives you tho best creams you cur tasted MURDOCH CANDY KITCHEN, MAIN STREET. NEW I FALL MILLLINERY. "Miss Maggie," for nine years tho well-known trimmer at Mrs. T. 1). Kobcits' establishment, has Just recently opened up, in tho loom Just east of the post-olllcc, post-olllcc, a stock of all the latest and best In FALLM ILLIN'KRY The Public is Invited to call In and Inspect our goods. We aie pleased to show them. IOvciythlng Is new, clean, and up-to-dite, and In the matter of trimming we guarantee satisfaction satisfac-tion In every particular PARIS MILLIN-ERY MILLIN-ERY COMPANY. Rest Route. Most Reliable. Quickest Quick-est and the Safest. Rest Dining Car Service. Rest Sleeping Car Service. Fastest train of Cars In tho world. Elcctrlo Lighted. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee Mil-waukee & St. Paul. . .1.1 U-. J . .. -s IPREPARE ii For Winterl And while preparing bear in j mind ours is the place to buy j j." Stoves and Ranges. We have them and can give r good values for your money. j Spande Furniture . . Company . . Center Street. I TAKE & & The Oregon Short Line! . . For all North Pacific Coast Points: Portland Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma t "i THE SHORTEST, QUICKEST, SAFEST; SAF-EST; ELEGANT EQUIPMENT... New Doable Dally Train. SERVICE RETAVEEN SALT LAKE CITY AND PORTLAND. D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A., Lake City, Utah AV, AV. AVOODSIDE, Aget, Logan. Oregon Short Line R. R. 1 CACHE VALLEY TIME CARD. j ii NORTH IJOUNI). . LEAVES. U No. 5. Dlly. No. 15. Dally, Mixed. fl l'ocatullo S:45p. m. y Hall I.tili. 7:00 a. m. Om.-t.-n, 8:25 " I Cacliu Jet. 10:15 " 5:30 " R Mention, 10:15 " o.OO " l LoKnn, 11:15 " 0:25 " Smllliflclil. 11:35 " 7:00 " 1 Richmond. 11:53 " 7:35 " (j 1'ranklln 12:10 " 8:15 " H AimiVKS. U I'rusliiiu 12:30 a. m 9:10 p.m. I SOUTH HOUND. J I.IAVC8. U No. 8. Dally. No. 10. Dally. Mixed. f fronton, 1:05 p. m 9:45 p.m. 1! Franklin. 2:10 " 10:30 " R Illuhniond. 2:28 " lino " il SmULilelil. 2:28 " 11:45 " M Logan. 3:05 " 13:30 a.m. 1 Mention, 3:25 " ...." 1:05 " I CaclieJct. 3:50 " 1:45 Allium. I Ot-dcn. 5:30 p. m. : Salt Lake. (:55 " fbcatollo 8:00 a.m. Tor tlcktHs to or from all points Kast, West. North or South, call on AV. AV. Woodsidm. Agent. . Tourist Cars j To The East. From Salt Lake City three times a week via the BURLINGTON ROUTEJI i Hurlington Tourist Sleepers aro first-class In everything but name, and aro groat money savors. Only $4 for a ' iloublo berth to St. Lonls or Chicago; $3 to Kansas City i or Omaha j ( Tickel Office: 79 West Second South Sfreel, Salt Lake City, Utah. R. F. NESLEN, General Agent. THE REPUBLICAN, Twice-a-week after , Oct 1st Supscription $2.50 per year |