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Show The Democrats In Session. The Democratic county convention for the election of delegates to the State convention at Provo Tuesday was held at the court house last Saturday afternoon, and the business gone through with In an apathetic manner. man-ner. There were a goodly number of delegates present, but on roll call It was discovered that In various precincts pre-cincts there had not been enough Interest In-terest to hold a primary, and as a result re-sult several precincts were not represented. repre-sented. Other delegations did not have their full quota and the general lack of enthusiasm was apparent. What little applause was heard was started by County Chairman Blair and seconded by a few others. Our Democratic Demo-cratic brethren say this quietness was duo to the fact that the convention was of little Importance, and that when their county convention comes off they will make Rome howl. M. J. Hal I aril acted as temporary chairman and George Skldmorc as temporary secretary. The committee on organization and order of business named Rlshop Oldham of Paradiso as permanent chairman and George Hay-ball Hay-ball of this city as permanent secretary. secre-tary. Mr. Oldham's appearance In the chair was greeted with applause, and he responded, thanking tho convention, con-vention, etc, but concluded to leave the issues of the day for discussion at some other time. The first business was the examination examina-tion of credentials and filling of delegations dele-gations not having full representation. Tills occupied some little time as every delegation with the exception of Wcllsvillc had to receive some additions. ad-ditions. Then followed the selection of delegates to tho State convention, those selected being as follows: P. S. Parson, Paul Cardon, 1. C. Thorcscn, A. G. Nielsen, C. Thompson, Robert Rceta:, Y. J. Marshall, Mrs. P. E. KecleflWoscph Wilson, C. D. W. Fullmer, A. F.Farr, J. M. Ulalr, F. K. Nebekcr, L. R. Maitlncau, T. H. Cutler, P. E. Keclcr, William Hovvman, Joseph T. Pond, Nels P. Olsen, Joseph Raker, George RIgby, William Reading, Read-ing, Samuel Oldham, S. AV. Hendricks, Geotge Skldmorc, Loieno Toolsen, M in. Alice Toolsen, P. M. Maiighau, AVilllam Muriay, J. It. Raxtor. Delc-gates-at-large: Joseph Monson, Robeit Baxter, A. G. Harbor, Hattic M. Thatcher. C. I). W. Fullmer of The Journal was elected chairman of the county committee and A. L. Fcuill as secretin. secre-tin. Fiom appearances this would seem to 1)0 a populist 1c combination, but they swear by the lieaul of the piophet Moses that 'tis not so. During the proceedings Frank K. Nebeker introduced lesolutions pledging pledg-ing the delegates elocted to woik and vote forjudge Powers for Congioss, but there was such a demand for "Hio." King that the motion was voted vot-ed down. Nebeker was at the Republican Re-publican State convention, was a student or the methods and results, and sprung the Powers resolution on the Democracy as an able piece of political scheming, but the churchmen could not see it that way, and Frank lost out. |