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Show H '' Export Prices. H ' J'ct us tnko up this export prlco ' t question calmly, fairly and honestly, B H with a Blncero purposo to get at tho m H truth, tho whole truth and nothing B H hut tho truth. Let us ascertain if B fi foreign prices of American goods aro BBH M -... nwviiD Uiu lower than tho domestic, and If so B how much lower and what proportion H of our exports aro sold at a lower prlco abroad than nt homo; what tho H reasons aro for this practice, and how a It affects tho American consumor and H tho Amorlcau wago-earner employed H in tho manufacture of tho goods ex- B In tho first placo thcro need bo no B dlsputo over the contention that goods B aro sold abroad at a lowor prlco than H at homo. That Is, somo goods about 1 B ler cent of our exports of manufac- M tures, which aro less than 3 per cent B of our total output. So that this great B Democratic freo trado bugaboo con- H slstsof less than three ono-hundrodths BBa of ono per cent of our total manufac- H tures. It Is shown clearly as follows: H Total annual valuo of BBa manufactures 115,000,000,000 H ICxnorts of manufac- H tures 400,000,000 BBB Valuo of oxports at' low- H er prices abroad 4,000,000 H To thlB extent It Is claimed and con- B ceded that our manufacturers rotort BBBJ to tho practlco of cutting foreign BJ prices a practlco resorted to nt times H by the manufacturers of every conn- BBBJ try regardless of high tariff, low tariff BBB r no tariffs. It Is resorted to In dlf- H fore nt parts of the same country and H every ninnufncturer or merchant or H' 'Heller of goods of uny description will H 'j at times resort to a reduction In prico - . to got rid of cortnln merclmmllso for BH certain reasons. Tho r9asons aro H iiianr and should bo most carefully B Jinked. This will bo dono In a series HL , of 'c8 and nvry posalblo phaso BBT. i bbbI Pi bHU aaaVC or tho question will be thorotignly oxntnlncd. It is our dcslro nnd purposo pur-poso to placo boforo tho voters of tho United States tho ono per cent of truth nnd tho 99 per cent of falsehood concerning export prices. |