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Show The Journal has seen tit to ask, "Who Is McCarty, anyway?" Doesn't The Journal recall the case of "Thomas "Thom-as Smart vs. the city'or vice versa, as the case may be, that 'was carried on In tills city, about two years ago, and -will it Insist on forgattlng tliat Judge McCarty sat orr the .bench at tliat time? Is The Journal so befuddled that it cannot rcmenilmr-wliat a very favorable impression Judge McCarty made on the people, regardless of political adulations, xt that time? We are told that The Journal at that time said some very nice tilings about McCarty but It's different now, you ec. Undcrstress of political prejudice It seeks to forget any real fair and wjuarc things it ever said or did, and says to the people "we didn't mean It." "Has McCarty ever been north of OgdcnV" That's certainly a lapse on The Journal's part. |