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Show THE TOMB OF CECIL RHODES. H Model of Emplre-Bullder'a Mausoleum H Is Completed. H A model In lath and plaster of tho H Imposing mausoleum which Is to bo . H eroded In tho Mntoppoa to contain H tho remains ot tho Into Cocll Rhodos B has been constructed by Mr. John HH Tweed, nnd Is now on view at Choi- jBB sea, England. It Is of appropriately 'HH simple design, but of massive propor- HB lions, and when constructed, as It Is HB to bo, of block granlto, It Is estimated B to cost somo 1100,000. There will bo HB masslvo doors of copper on each of HBJ tho four sides of tho monument, whllo flH at tho top will bo placed tho panels HH which Mr. Rhodes wlshod to erect In HB memory of tho party undor Major Wll- HH Bon, who died horolcally defending; HB themselves against tho Matabelos. H i w M SYTKvt. op iL-m bbbbI lftHtujEVfos JjJfVV "bbbI -BulYrO iffU H Rhode Mihomals. 4J Tho skeUh also shows a model of a J H statue which is to bo crectod at Bulu- -H |