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Show Instant Relief from Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Hero Is a case: Mr. T. Shepherd of Whitburn, Sunderland, Ohio, says: "My wife suffered severely from rheumatism, rheu-matism, nnd ncr.ra.gla. She could not get one moment's rest and was nearly ernzed with pain. Obtained instant relief re-lief and a pcrmunent euro by using tho contents of one bottlo of St. Jacobs Ja-cobs Oil. Ther Is no other remedy'ln tho "world that will do this. Tho In stantaneous effect which SL Jacobs Oil produces Is a part of Its half a contury record." St. Jacobs Oil Is sold In 2G cts. and CO cts. sizes by all druggists. The words "Acts like Magic," "Conquers "Con-quers Pain," which have been used in connection wltS St. Jacobs Oil for moro than Dt) years aro wonderfully and truly descriptive. |