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Show M SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. H I desire to subscribe for THE B LOGAN RKPUHL1CAN for H ; One Year $2.50 B Six Months $1.25 H. Three Months 75c B l Name HENRY 0. HAYBALL'S t WEEKLY BARGAIN LISTf Utah Sugar per Sack - - - $4.85f 20 pounds Sugar for $1.0010 pounds for. .60c 20 pounds Sago for 1.00 10 pounds for. .50o 20 pounds Tapioca for. 1.0010 pounds for. .50c 30 bars Laundry Soap 1.0015 bars for 50c 10 pounds Cleaned Currants 1.005 pounds for. . . ,60c 12 pounds Rest Raisins 1.00 5 pounds for.... 60c 10 pounds Best Rico 1.008 pounds for. . . .60c 8 pounds Arbuckle's Coffee. 1.004 pounds for. . . .50c We are Headquarters for Fruit Jars. Get our Prices. DRY GOODS. 20 jards Rest LL Factory. , .$1.00 10 jards for. ...60c Hyardslndlan Head Factory 1.00 7 yards for. ...60c 20 jards Indigo Flue Calico.. 1.00 10 jards for. . ..60c All wool Dicss Goods reduced from 50 to 2,'c per yard 4 pairs Ladles' Rlack Cotton Hose 25c Rest Home-made Double Width Llndsey6.c per yard lllankcts from 50c to $8.00 per pair Our line of Millinery, Ladles', Misses' and Children's Wraps Is the most complete to be seen in Northern North-ern Utah. Prices alwajs the cheapest. AVc have a full line of L. D. S. Garments; our prices aie 25 per cent, less than the Factory's. Give us a Call. Remember we are never Undersold. ," YOURS FOR I1USINESS, HENRY G. HAYBALL, CENTER STREET, LOGAN, UTAH. IU 1 CLEAR THE TRACK! We Lead the Way to Newer, Better Things in Wagons, Buggies and Harness, jt & j i?J SHOES Lij You want the Latest and Rest in SIIOLS, don't jou; and at about the right price? We have one of the nicest leanest lean-est stocks In tlie city. iOverjthlng new and up-to-date, and for a slim t time will oiler jou exceptional bargains THIS COUPON IS " GOOD FOR 25C AT JAS. QUAYLE & CO.'S Cut out the abovo Coupon, take It to Jas. Quayle & Co. and on each $2 j 011 spend for shoes j 011 will be given a reduction re-duction of 25c On new, up-to-date goods, this offer is exceptional ex-ceptional and worth jour attention. Don't forget to cut out the coupon. Wcalso carry an excellent stock of Groceries, Dry Goods etc. Lowest prices consistent witli reliable goods. Jas. Quayle & Co. |