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Show The challenge Issued bj Chairman Itojlance of the State Deinociacy for a setks of debates between Hon. Joseph 1 low ell and the man nominated nominat-ed hj the Democratic State convention conven-tion at Provo today is a great big hi mi'. The othei side is counting 011 the probability of tlielr nominee being W. 11. King, who is known as a de-hater de-hater of considerable ability, but iiIkiv call one of th.rt kind tliat "bluffs" his audience by phjslcal demonstrations, demonstra-tions, sarcastic language and "cute" gibes. Mr. Howell has never made any great pretentions to being a debater de-bater and is a man of very quiet, easy going manners not the man to meet men of King's style. Mr. Howell is a worker-not a. spoutcr. Tlie bluff in lids instance will hardly go. How would it do, though, for tlie State Chairman to accept tho challenge. Wc havo no doubt tliat ho can till the bill to any Democrat's satisfaction and Is a man vvoiMiy of his adversary. There are not a fe,v men in tho Republican Re-publican ranks rcaoy and willing to accept the challenge Jf given air opportunity op-portunity but the opportunity will not bo given them. Tho challenge was alined directly at Mr. Howell with the Idea of placing that gentlc-I gentlc-I man in a false light. 'lhe Democratic Chairman hoped tliat the Republican Central Committee would sec tit to ilgnorc the challenge, thereby giving an opportunity for political capital but tlie little trick ds too apparent and will lose its force. |