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Show H In line with tlie Tribune's cpres- H sions wo would le.spcctfully suggest H " that whatever tlnanclal support the H -" Cache county people, Republicans ' especially, sec lit to give this Instltu- 1 tion should be given now. We are at H an expense of $2,300 plus freights and B' other expenses, and with constantly H incieasing bills, it makes a rather H .tavy load to carry. If tho paper H tflves promise of what jou havo a light m to expect, give us jour name as a sub- B scrlber and send us the money. If the H business men feel that the institution is likely to proc a credit to the city H and of wortli to themselves and the H1 county, let them give it now all the H support that is consistent with good B business methods. If the Republicans !of tlie county deshe to continue a paper that is thoroughly alive to tlielr interests, that w 111 w ork unceasingly to H advance the interests of the party, H that will be found on the right side of H the proposition through thick and M thin, let them give to it now the II-M II-M ' nancial suppoit necessary to make itof H, , the greatest advantage. If tlie people M of tlie county, regardless of politics, K I dcMro to establish in tlielr midst a H ji Jlrst-class paper devoted to the inter- H f estsof Cache count) and its citiens B a paper that will cluoulcle the news H of Cache count a paper piinted in a B clean, readable shape and containing H all the news, let them suppoit The H Republican now. We aie here to give H Cache count) the best Republican H paper it ever had and the best local H paper it ever had, and with even half H an opportunity we'll give jou this.and H nun e. ' For those out of town we H would suggest tliat they tut out the H following blank, till it in proper Ij, H place it and a money oider in an en- H elope and mall to us. However, If H joii would like to become a suhscilhcr H and have not the amount on hand to H spare at this time, cut out tho blank H and forward It to us just the same and H we will be pleased to enter jou on our H books. Pci sons In the city arc close H enough to look after the matter pci- H sonally and if they arc interested in H the proposition should attend to the H matter at once, not in tlie far-olT H distant future. |