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Show DEATH O POPULAR ACTRESS. Ada Gray Buried By Charity of the Actors' Fund. In the Actors' Fund plot nt Evergreen Ever-green cemetery, Now York, by tho charity of professionals. Ada Gray, tho actress, who mado and spout much In her lifetime, Is burled. Sho died nt tho Homo for Incurables at Fordham, whero sho had boon an In-mato, In-mato, supported by tho Actors' Fund for sovernl months. Ada Oray began her stage career at an early age, being but sixteen years when sho mado her first ap-pearanco ap-pearanco In Rochester In support of McCullough. Sho played with Booth and a number of tho famous actors of tho period Immediately after tho civil wnr, and was tho first woman to star in "East Lynno" in this country. coun-try. Sho wns twice married, her Inst husband being Charles F. Tlngay, an English actor, who was her leading man tho last few years of her career. |