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Show In Society's Realm. As the season of Indoor entertain- ment draws nearer, hostesses are put- fWtlng on thplr-thlnklng caps trying to devise and secure in any way new means of making their guests have a good time. Crokinolc and carroms, are practically a thing of the past and various of the once popular guessing and geography games are worn out. If something new doesn't como along soon gray hairs will be seen in great numbers, and the old games will be resurrected. t I X Ping pong is rapidly gaining favor as a means of entertainment and recently recent-ly several sets have been secured by various society people. As a means of indoor exercise it is unsurpassed, requiring re-quiring agility, prompt action and an accurratc eye, and as a mirth producer It is equal to Ezra Kendal In "A Pair of Kids" or "Good Gravy." The average aver-age amateur bumps the little celluloid sphere rather hard and as a result every one in the room must go through a complete system of delsartc movements, move-ments, acrobatic feats, and contortionist contor-tionist specialties In order to secure the ball again for the rasli bumper. Hanker 1 lemming, although a somewhat some-what practiced artist, still Insists on trying to break the windows or electric elec-tric light globes, and occasionally attempts at-tempts to drive the ball through the i ceiling. Fleming fudges, too, and ".wont "shinny on jour own side," but this Is merely surplus energy. ener-gy. You ought to see that man Madison, Madi-son, of the Hercules company, handle the catgut raquct. Although but a three months student he Is a "cracker jack" possibly the best ping-pongcr In Logan. The assortment of lnshoots, outshoots, drops and corkscievv twisters twist-ers he dishes up would make Hartzel or Quick green with envy, and he does it all with such apparent ease. He can win practically every time on his own serve and is ery near invincible when on the defensive, being able to place his balls to perfection. "Theic arc others" though, and Miss Flora Chamberlain Is not the least. She can give Madison an electric shock occasionally oc-casionally and that gentleman must turn on a few extra volts In order to counteract her lead. A. II. Thompson Is another ardent lover of the game and 'tis said that his "cute" little daughter Instead of being treated to the usual "baby talk" must listen to desscrtatlons on "how to play ping pong." Alf has a set and although lie occasionally lifts the ball through the-" parlor transom, believes lie can ' corner the game as thoroughly as he J. had the mortgages of tills county. .1. C. Walters also plajs, and juggles the i celluloid about as he does law cases j always winning. And only last, night "V-woJearned that Mrs. A. M. Fleming ; has lecn converted from an onlooker to an enthusiast, and 'tis said that while she now Insists on knocking the ball under the table or up the lire-place, lire-place, there Is promise of an excellent player. And so it goes. The game can be played more scientifically scien-tifically by singles but doubles are pre-fened pre-fened by tho ladies and arc the source of more fun. Doubles give such an excellent opportunity for the display of any awkwardness on tho part of cither player and are the cause of many ludicrous blunders. That the , game will continue to grow in favor is r an assured fact and before long jou'ie liable to hear of tho "ping pong face" Just as j ou once heard of the blcjcle face X I X j Various of the more scilously in clined arc taking up whist as a means j of entertainment. AVo have seen scv- 1 cral "Rules of "Whist" in the hands of , members of the smart set during the hummer and some lemarkably clllcient players aie expected to blossom this winter. t I X Theater parties, while tat her expensiveshould expen-siveshould become nunc popular this j ear. The class of plavs secured for , this .season by the Thatcher Opera jjf House Is veiy high and should receive whatever encouragement society can offer. : i x ' At an evening party just a short time ago the hostesses lntioduced a diversion to tho usual entertainment by attempting to make chaicoal uit- ! Jsts out of the guests. Kach guest was given a stick of charcoal and whenever when-ever called upon was supposed to shctchupon a largo sheet of paper in full view or tho other guests something some-thing in some way that would suggest the name of a popular song. In all probability these sketches will never be hung In tho Paris salon, but the effort was certainly productivo of much mirth. J. 0. Walters Illustrated Illustrat-ed "The girl I left behind me," true to life, and thoso present no longer wonder why Mr. Walters seems to havo said to' all of them "Get. theo behind be-hind me Satan." Robert Fairbanks took tho prize though by illustrating "AVIlllo will soon bo largo enough for papa's britches." X i I Society is Interested in the advent V of the professors and their families y - i ' who will bo with us from the beginning begin-ning of the first semester, lloth the A. 0. and 11. Y. have several new men, and until they and their families are properly Introduced, society will receive re-ceive quite a stlmulous. Receptions and counter receptions will be many. X i X A certain voung lady of the upper ten who has an enviable reputation for gracefulness of carriage sajs that It is largely due to her liking for horse back riding, and suggests that as a pleasure this should become more popular among they ounger set. X i X Why Is It that there arc not a greater great-er number of tennis courts In the city and why is It that society Isn't more Interested in this popular game? It Is one of the most beneficial out door games and at the same time one of the greatest pleasure. The Logan climate, especially during the fall and spring, is Ideal for such and would certainly piove a diversion to some who may be suffering fioin ennui. |