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Show EXAMPLE OF GERMAN THRIFT. I Stonns on the Roadway Made of Value to Property. Gcrmnns find that it pays to encour nRO poasitnta to frco tholr fields ol stones; tho property rises in vnlua trtxlng value. Tho stones thrown Into heaps by tho roailstdo are pur chased by tho district .'oad repairing commission. Poor men, who otherwise other-wise would have to he supported by tho almshouses, are hired to hrcak tho Btoues, and then arc trained to tho work of repairing tho roadbed. Tho money to pay the men is made by auctioning auc-tioning off to tho highest bidder '.ho crop from fruit trees that waro planted plant-ed on both sides of tho hlghwry when it was built, and which aro nourished well by tho manuro that falls oiong the road and Is pushed at Internals by a road tender upon their roots, Tho purchaser of the crop sees to it that his fruit is not stolen. Tho road commissioners havo no bother auout that. And, although tho solo bo by auction, It brings considerable. Every burgher knows how much because tho sales of highway fruit crops are published pub-lished In the 'oral news'inpers. |