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Show WIFE OF SENATOR STEWART KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE. Machlaa Ran Into Telegraph Tote and OccupanUi Were Throwu to the (Iround. Airs. William M. Stewart, wife of the United States senator from Nevada, was killed iu an automobile accldeut In San Francisco Friday. Airs. Stewart was enjoying a ride with Henry Foote, son of W. W. Foote, the attorney, and II. II. Taylor. They were going along Santa Clara avenue, in Alameda comity, comi-ty, Taylor guiding the machine and sending it along at a high speed. A vehicle approached and Tuylorswerved the automobile aside In order to avoid a collision. At that moment lie either lost control of the steering apparatus or made a miscalculation, The automobile auto-mobile ran into u telegruph pole und the occupants wero thrown out. Airs. Stewart struck on her head and wus curried in an unconscious condition to a sanitarium in the vicinity where she soon died. Foote and Taylor escaped with minor bruises. Taylor is a cousiu of Frederick Fred-erick Ilencdict, who was recently crushed to deatli uuder Ills automobile in New York. Airs. Stewart resided at Washington, I). C. SI. as visiting her sister, Airs. Louis Aldrlch, who lives in Sun Fran;lsco. Airs. Stewart, before her marriage, was a Miss Foote, a daughter of Henry Foote, governor and United Slateascu-ator Slateascu-ator from Mississippi before the Civil war and who, during the flftles, spent some years iu Culifornla. Senator and Mrs. Stewart have several daughters, ono of whom lives lu New York City. Senator Stewart Is at present at Tho Hague, in connection with the Plus fund arbitration, In which has taken a a deep interest. |