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Show The Journal rakes up the Hon. James Hammond's vote in his race against W. II. King for Congress and attempts to make its readers believe that lion. Joseph Howell will meet with the same llnal results and tho same local results, providing Judge King is tlie man selected to run against him. Wero it not that the conditions today are entirely different and the men entirely UliTcient. men, the parallel might hold good, but as it is, tlie comparison loses its force. When Mr. Hammond was a candidate can-didate for Congress he was also Secretary Secre-tary of State ond would not resign until un-til he had been elected to Congress. This fact placed him in such a position posi-tion tliat lie himself was unable to get into tlio tight and make the lace he otherwise would, and at thesame time it placed him befoic the people as a man deshiug a dead cinch on the political situation as one not willing to lisk a great deal, and as a lcsult he lost considerable waim suppoit from men who piefer a dllfeicnt line of action. ac-tion. And at that time Dcmociacy in Utali had hardly been shaken, so that the tight was made under (1 i ill-cult ill-cult les that do not confront the party todaj. The Hon. Joseph Howell is a man without stilngs tied to him, a man who Is a worker and can get into the Held and work with all time at ids disposal. Tlie light will be made at a time when every indication points to a Republican landslide, when the Republican party Is thoroughly alive to its possibilities and opportunities and will put forth the ellort that it lias never done before. At the same time Joseph Howell is a man who has proved himself of exceptional value to huiidieds of farmers of this county, who will not forget him when it comes to votes. And that von cannot com-paie com-paie Howell's possible vote hi his own town with Hammond's actual vote, ....... I. .wt . (!.... ... t.l..w... 11..... 41... 4 needs no oilier evidence 1 11:111 that given In the last Senatorial light. Hammond In his lace for Congicss lost his home precinct, but Howell In his race for Senator against Hon. Joe 1 Monson c.uiled Wellsvllle, that 01-hialter 01-hialter of Deinociacy, by fe." votes. Now wouldn't that . stump jou. Monson, Mon-son, the leader, the woiker, the boss, of Cache county, probably the best man the Demociats could have put up lost the Demociatlcstionghold by b," and the county hj 1178, and then The Journal attempts to tell us that a Salt Laker If put 011 the ticket will cany Howell's home piecinct as King did Hammond's. Oh, 110 bojs, tho circumstances cir-cumstances aie dilfcicut and the men aie different. |