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Show Behind the Footlights. I The Thatcher Opera House was opened for the season last Tuesday evening by the very excellent drama "Lost In New York." The performance perform-ance was satisfactory In every respect and gives promise of the general excellence ex-cellence of what Is to follow. The opera house management has put forth every effort to glvethelr patrons the best performances this season that can be procured and the following list gives ample evidence that their efforts have not been in vain. Sept. 2.V-"Thehna." '! -'Thc Stowaway." Oct. 4-"Flnnegan's Hall." " 8 Ward &. I ames. " Kl "Down Mobile." " 20 "Over the Fence." Nov. : "A Convict's Daughter." " 11 Royal Italian Hand. " 12 "On Stroke of Twelve." " l()-"Unclc Tom." " 27 "Pennsylvania." . U7-"Tlie Telephone Girl." Dec. 1 "Hunting for Hawkins." " 4 "Hello Hill." " 0 "A Little Outcast." Dec. 10 to i:t Widman's Comedy Co. " 111 "Man From Sweden." Jan. 2 "Pickings From Puck." " 14 Mrs. Brume. " 10 "A Runaway Match." " 2.I-"Peck'sBadBoy. " :i0 "The Peddler's Claim." Feb. 4 Murray & Machln Opera " 10 "Antoniettc." " 17-S. Miller Kent. Mar. 2 Chas. A. Gordan. " 4 Sandy Hot torn. " 14 Harlow Minstrels. " 17 The Deemster. Apr. 1 " 11 May 2 Hrennan Sale Co. In addition to this list negotiations are on for Howard A. Kyle in "Nathan Hale:" Andievv Robson In "Richard Carvel;"Chas. H. Hanford;and"Quincy Adams Saw or" the great Yankee play. It will be noticed that the list comprises com-prises some of the best players and plasofthcU. S. Ward & .lames is known as a strong combination, and the Roal Italian Hand as a musical organization will be welcomed by everybody. "Hunting for Hawkins" Is said to be excellent as Is "A Little Outcast," "Antoinette" and "The Deemster.'' Mrs. limine has a national reputation as an artist of exceptional ability, and will no doubt be tendered an ovation. The Hallow Minstrels were here last ear and will be remembered favorably favor-ably of course. Andrew Robson needs no introduction to theatrical people. He Is gieat bcond words and In "Richaid Car vel"should test the seating seat-ing capacity of the theater. Howard A. Kyle In "Nathan Halo" will draw-well draw-well and Qulney Adams Saw er should be the event of the season. |