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Show Journalist's Triumph. Miss Janet Priest of Minneapolis hns proved to tho satisfaction of a coterlo of selfsaiisflcd players In her vicinity that In her enso whero thero's a will thero's a way, and. Incidentally, that sho Is not what is called In tho sporting section elthor a "piker" or a "bluffer." Miss Priest Is tho dramntlc critic of tho Trlbuno In that city. Recently sho commented adversely on a. performance per-formance gvon by some members of tho Frawloy company. Sho was sarcastically sar-castically asked If sho could do better. bet-ter. Miss Pries, la nervy and ropliod by studying ono of tho roles in question ques-tion and appearing in ono of tho performances. per-formances. Sao scored nn immcdlnto "lilt" nnd hns been asked to contlnuo In tho profession. But this sho has refused to do and has returned to her former labors. |