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Show Hf UTAH STATE NEWS V H j I Snlt Lake City now has only two -' I Kmullpox patients under quarantlnu. Hvj 1 About the scarcest thing on the Salt H' ' Lake market, so fur os variety Is can- m cernctl, Is fish. fl The Lehl academy opened Inst week H t with tlio largest attendance for an H jj opening day slnco lis commencement. H The attendance at the public schools H of Salt Lake on the opening day was H 11,300, an increase of 320 over last year. H The trial of Merrill M. Kalglin, who H murdered Wlllurd S. Hayncs Inst No- H vcmber, at Salt Lake, Is now In pro- mW The Hlo Qrande station at Murray K'. has been abandoned and the new one V at 1'allas, half a mile south, has been m i occupied. iV Burglaries arc becoming of almost B dally occurrence In Salt Luke City, and H the police seem unable to cope with th H law-brcalccrs. m The bank clearings in Salt Lake for fl the week ending September 13 were H 3,187,30.'i, as against 33, 38:., 039 for the H same period last year. H Marlon A. ltrashcar, who accldently W) shot and killed Alex J. ICIclland on a B Sultalr train last week, will be tried on fl i a charge of voluntary manslaughter. M ' President .loscph V. Smith and a B i party of church leaders will make a m t tour of the southern portion of the HHJ v ntatu during (hit latter part of the H-" Mrs. A. ,1. Turnwall, of Sunshine, H objected to her husband gambling and H finding him In a gambling homo took H three shots at him, without fatal rc- H oults, however. H Louis Hlvqrs, an employee in the H rock quarry in Little Cottonwood cuu- H 'you, fell thirty feet from a ladder and H received painful injuries which may H cost him his life. H Tlio criminal calendar of the Seventh H district court lias been postponed until H Monday, tlio 2l)th Inst,, because of the H -prevalence of smallpox in Kpliralm and H nlckness at Mantl. H Kscalanto desert, usually depended H upon for wlutcr range for Iron county, H is entirely devoid of any vegetation, H and where formerly ranged from 7.1,000 H' to 1!5,000 shcop, none will be able to U William C. Barker, of Salt Lake City, H is the lucky candidate iu the naval ca- H dulshlp examination held last week. H A. F. Sherman, a member of tlio Salt H Lake High school senior class, is the The attendance at the Latter-da; H Saints university In Salt Lnke City Is H 450, as compared with '.'83 for the llrst 1 - week's enrollment last year. The in- H j crease Is mainly confined to the high . school and normal departments. H . L F. Sharp, of Salt Lake, last week B tt on the title of chumplon trap shooter 1 of the state, when he took the Ilrown- Wm lng state championship silver loving B cup, with a score of ninety-eight blue rocks broken out of a possible 100. fl The fourth one of the large pumps H 'lias been received and placed in po- 1 fdtion at the big Jordan pumping plaut I :at Lehi. Next season tlio four pumps B j' combined will furnish over 400 cubic H ifect of water per second, which will 1111 ' the Jordan river with more water than K it has ever contained. 1 Tlio state legislature at Its coming P -,' .session, will be asked to mukc an ap- HK .'' propnatlon of $35,000 or $10,000 for the j purpose of building a new hall of met- H ulluigy, ussaylng and kindred B branches, including a concentrating H mill for practical demonstrations, nt H the University of Utuli. H Tho birth report to the board of K liealtli of Suit Lake for the week end. V log September 13, shows the birth of H V Iwcnty-ono male children and nlne- H' V', teen females. The deaths for the same H i ' period numbered fifteen males and H ' ' twelve feniHlcri. Of this number eight were over 70 years of age. H Tho Salt Lull ci county jail now con- talnn three men who have taken H liuman life Thomas Mcdce, Merrill H Kalghn and M. A. Ucmncy. Two B others, Marion Ilrasher and Harney B Kcsteln, are out on ball, and fourcon- H vlcted murderers Lynch, King, Mort- B rise n and lliuvorth lire under a death 1 watch at tho penitentiary. B (Silbert Van Schoonhovcn, who H labors under the delusion that ho lies H keen a coitchmau for Tresldcnl McKin- H ley and that In his absence tho horses J of tho late prculdcnt will not receive H the proper attention, has been com- H tnltted to tho insane asylum. Van 1 richnonhovon was aback driver in Suit H City. H Huy Coluiiu. aged 15, of Salt Luke, H vas tho victim A an accident lust week H that came near ending his life. He H fell upon a broken chair, striking his H thigh against a t,e H round piercing the ll--.li to a depth of H five H Harry Strong was shot and seriously H wounded by Miles Komney iu a saloon H in Suit Lake City, bund' v Inst. The 1 men hail been partners an frreled B over business affairs. ,s lie- B Mud tho burs, anil should .Strong die B will be tried for H An edict has gone forth from the H city hoard of education that hereafter H no newly married woman shall bo ciii- R ployed hh pcmiunent teacher li , r bt public bchools of Salt Lake. Tho mar- T t riage certificate of a teacher will be K & considered bur retlguutlou. BBBBBBBBBBBBHBi BBjBjBjBjBjfcaBjBmgtM - -- - , , ,-. |