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Show HET COMPLETES, AL APPLIES FOR STATE JAYCEE VICE PRESIDENT POST A large group of Cedar City Jaycees and Jay-jee-Ettes will leave today and early Friday morning morn-ing for Logan to attend the annual Utah State Jualor Chamber of Commerce convention. The Cedar City delegation will be led by club 'president Ronald Morgan. Another feature of the week-end activitis will "be the participation of Chester Crip'ps In his capacity ca-pacity as a state vice president for the Jaycees. Chet wUl conduct at least one of the meetings trf the state wide event in his capacity as a state veep. Throughout the year Chet has attended sUte functions, taken charge of one state fun-:tlwi fun-:tlwi and made regular visits to clubs under 'Ms portfolio In the southwest portion of the :tate. He has been recognized as an outstanding lead-r lead-r la the organization and has become a familiar :mi welcome figure throughout the state. Che'. 5ll also celebrate another occasion of Jayceelsm . t the state convention. He will on Saturday, May :, reach the age of 36an age that makes him KaHlglble to participate in the young man's or-jaization. or-jaization. He will wind up his Jaycee career ;s a state vice president and move to the cs-rmed cs-rmed order of "exhaused roostrs." Tme Jocal Jaycees will not stop, however, and se of the primary purposes of the large delegation dele-gation to the state convention will be to work War the election of another Cedar City Jaycee, A. 1 Thompson, to the position of state vice president. presi-dent. Al has thrown his hat Into the ring as a . candidate and the local club is supporting him Jm his quest for the state position. A past presi-flmt presi-flmt of the local club, he has been highly active, not only locally, but on the state level as well. This year toe has served as a state director nd has atttended nearly all state functions. The election at the convention will be held Sunday, May 6, the last day of the convention. Slo-s?aa Slo-s?aa for his campaign has been 2 . . r "J N AL THOMPSON announced as "Our Pal Al," and campaigning for his election was started several months ago at the various state functions. He has received the full backing of the local club and those in attendance at the state convention conven-tion will carry on the campaign through to the election. Also the club will enter in the scrapbook competition on two activities ac-tivities of the past year. One book will be entered on the Christmas lighting activities' and the second on Extension and Club Building. |