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Show Cedar Cub Scouts Study Birds Jit Pack Meeting Meeting as "Cub Scout Bird Watchers", Cubs and parents of Pack 3346. gathered at their Pack Meeting last Thursday. Den (lis-plays (lis-plays built around the theme of the month exhibited bird houses, feeding stations and birds of all kinds ranging from the imaginary imagin-ary to the real thing. Opening ceremony was by Den 4. with Den Mother Mary Col-lett Col-lett directing. A skit titled "Our Feathered Friends" was .presentd by Den 3. supervised by Den Mothers Corlne Esmeier and Georgia Lambert. The skit portrayed por-trayed the legendary reasons for birds building their nests as they do. A musical interlude was given by Den 6, With a piano solo by Den Chief Michael Carter and a harmonica solo by Cub Lee Stucki. Den 6 Is Jed by. Den Mothers Mo-thers Blanche LeBaron and Dorothy Doro-thy Stucki. Den 2, with Den Mother Mo-ther Leah Esplin directing, presented pre-sented a skit on the home life of a bird family which covered their lives from egg to egg. Mrs. Elmer Wood was the luckv winner In the unusual bird naming contest and won a genuine gen-uine chicken feather for her entry. en-try. Awards Presented Cubmaster Frank Dalley, as'-slsted as'-slsted by Cub Commissioner Drew Haight, presented the following fol-lowing awards. Bobcat pins to Thomas Leigh, Henry Michael Leigh, Klrby Lambert, Michael Milne, WaUy Tunrball, Edwin DeMoss and Ralph Fetty; Silver Arrowt, Donnte Marchant, Norman Nor-man Lister. PoinlA Lamoreaux, Wesley Roberts, LeRoy Miller, Douglas Plummer David Plum- I mer, Henry Lt?e pollock, Toiiiiiiy Dover and Lark Flanlgan. Wolf Bodges Lee Wood, Frederick Esplin, Es-plin, Jon Memmott, Roger Wil-.Mams Wil-.Mams and Henry Lee Pollock. Bear Badges, Teddy , Munford, j Sheldon Harris, LeRoy Miller, Wesley Roberts and Scott Lewis. j A two-year service star was ' awarded to Lark Flanign. Gary LeBarori of Den 6 received the rank of Webelos. the highest in fAto Scouting. Cubs of Den R. led W Den Mother Jane Munford. assisted as-sisted Mr. Dalley In the award ceremony. Welcomed Into the Pack were Cubs and parents of Den No. 10. which was oreanled durlnp the month with Mrs. Hollls Blake as Den Mother. Report of tbe Ideas committee on the Mav theme "Hnho Mnth" was lven bv M Pe1n Lev's and Del Stout. Hornr Tien com-netitlon com-netitlon for best attendance re. sti'ert In tl bfween Dens and 3. with duplicate awards iven. Oeorge A. Perrv of Scout Troon 347. was Introdueted as new Den Chief of Den 9. CloMn reremonv was bv Den Mother Bessie Dover of Den 9. |