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Show Parowan Families Visit Missionaries In Salt Lake Ciiy Member of three Parowan families fam-ilies spent the week end In Salt Lake City where they visited with their sons prior to their departure for their fields of labor as missionaries mis-sionaries for the LDS Church after af-ter spending the past week in the mission home there. Mr. and Mrs. Ancel J. Adam and daughter Sharon visited with Elder Lloyd Adams prior to his leaving for the Western Canadian Mission at 3 p. m. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ambrose Guymon and Miss Linda Rollins visiter' with Elder Jim Guyrmn, whe was departing for the Texas Mission. Mis-sion. And Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fel-stead Fel-stead visited with Elder Luckie Felstead prior to his leaving for the Gulf States Mission. The latter lat-ter two elders left at 5 p. m. on Monday. The departure of these three young men for service in the LDS Mission field, brings the number of missionaries serv'n" at the Present time from the Parowan Par-owan Third Ward to 11. The 15t-representative 15t-representative of the ward will enter the mission home at the first of the year. He Is Elder Decker Deck-er Orton. who has been cl'eH te labor In Berlin, Germany. Decker, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Or-trn. Or-trn. will be honored at a farewell fare-well testimonial on Sunday, Dec 31, at 2 p. m. |