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Show ENOCH-MIDVALLEY NEWS NOTES I Mrs. Cora Murie Mrs. Pearl Halterman has gone to Salt Lake City to spend the holidays with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Susanna) Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halter-man. Halter-man. Spending two weeks here with the Dilworth Armstrongs and in Cedar City with relatives are Frank Matheson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill and children of Shelly, Idaho. Sponsored by the Seventies Quorum of the ward the College of Southern Utah Little Theatre players brought to our ward members the play "Dear Ruth," Monday evening. It was greatly enjoyed by all present. It was precented as a missionary benefit. bene-fit. Joe Morgan of Riverton visited here this week with his counsins the Jim Smiths and the Leonard Iiaights. William Grimshaw has gone to Ventura, Calif., to spend some time with his daughter, the Russell Rus-sell Hodges. The Boy Scouts of the ward are selling Christmas trees. The Primary officers and teachers entertained thel. partners part-ners at a Christmas party held at Mrs. Ina Richardson's home Friday. Eva Rae Grimshaw entertained her girl friends at a birthday party on her 12th birthday anniversary. anni-versary. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Theron Foster at the Iron County Hospital, Tuesday, December 12. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanzon and Mr. and Mrs. George Foster of Cedar City. John Heaton is visiting with his daughter, Louise, and family in Salt Lake City. Miss Lero Hafen, who is a nurse at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Cressell Sherratt. |