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Show Redmen Taste Defeat i At Hands of Panguitch The Cedar High School Redmen! found the going a little rugged: last Wednesday evening as they ran Into a well balanced and well coached team at l'anguitch IHh School and suffered their first; BY RAY ANICE3 Christmas, they say, is a time for children. We agree but for children from one to ninety-one. We all share in this time of warmhearted happiness. Christinas is a time for renewing old friendships. j and for adding a touch of mel- I lowness to new ones. It's a time fir placing the crib on 1 the manp-l and the wreath in the window and f .r getting! the ho:-.u ready f ir pro-holi- day ret.t':eth.-Vs v.-ith friends and neighbor?;. 1 .,11 tl, I ... 1. t in 11.1- ill I I 1 l .11 1'i lllil M llg lists, ordering and addressing cards, shopping an,i wrapping packages, ami planning party ! menus, have you forgotten ' yourself? Can you reach into j your closet n a moment's no- i tice for a freshly cleaned suit : or dre.ss, ready lor y. u to wear I with pride? j Now, while there Is still time, choe'e or wardrobe carefully. Make sure you can sail ' through the holiday festivities, festivi-ties, comfortable in the know- lede that clotheswise you're , ready for the most gala oc- casions. i You can send us your form- I als regardless of what mater- ; ial they're fashioned from, or j how fragile they might be, and you can be sure they'll receive re-ceive painstaking, expert care. We'll return them spotlessly clean and perfectly finished. Call or bring them in now. We pickup and deliver at Cedar Laundry and Cleaners 60 LINCOLN AVENUE CEDAR CITY. UTAH loss of the current season, 51 to 42. i Panguitch. led by Torek at the j center slot with 21 points, fields a good shooting and particularly a go d rebounding club. Fr m the field Panguitch got off eight more shots than the Redmen, 51 to -10, they hit 23 for a A2r; average aver-age from the field while the Red-men Red-men were hitting only 16 for a ' 35' ; . On rebounds the Redmen had a slight advanta-'c at 31 to 2'.). but offensively the Cedar City crew was able to tike only nine off the boards while Panguitch picked up the extra shots with 13 offensive rebounds. ' Defen sively I'nu'ii IV",-. Dci-er's Red- men pulled off 2- to 11 f r Pan- ' guiteh. : i ! Neil Roberts I;d the Rc'men i scoring with 2D points with eight fiel('g als in 19 attempts. lie was j' followed bv P-ml Stokes with 10,! points and Donnie Roberts with ! six. ;i I N. Roberts topped the rebound- j i in" for Vi r!e''rin well withjli a total of 14, six offensively and j i eight defensively. John Stephen- i 'son come eff the bench in the i 'final quarter of plav to take four i 'rebounds for the Redmen. i j Panguitch got off to a fast .'-.tart i ,with a 17 to 10 first quarter lead. The home team never relinquish- ed the lead and the Redmen trailed by ns much as 15 points i ! at one lime in the game, but never narrowed the gap below a i ! three point spread. '! j Box score follows: i ! Cr-An 42 PANGUITCH 53 !(! G T y I" CI T F P ' l n (i "1 T-ir-.-n A'li-n 3 I n B i II V t 1 rar,..,. in..h Ch!WT 2 0 0 4 I ? '1 i! r R,.lK rl T,.,,, j 5 i s i 4 2 2 1il St.il:.n Hunting.-!- 0 2 2 2 I 2 I' II 1 Srrl'h Tur.'k :i 21 1 I s K ', "."1 R- '.-'tn RiEKH 1 0 0 2 I oil 1 S'crlnns.in R (in. m 2 0 0 4 i II 1 O 11 N. !s n W. Ortun 3 3 1 7,1 II (1 O (1 VnrtlVk j I o o o o liifcKi- ' 1 Id 17 111 42 Tt (TAI.S 23 17 8 M I 1 Sere !,y cjunru-rs: ! 1 fi-ilir 10 21 27 4'! 1 1 f'unnuilrh ... . 17 2H 41 53 |