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Show I Redmen Exchange Win, Loss on Week End Cedar High School Redmen took a swing into Las Vegas, Nev. this past week end for two games and returned Saturday evening with a win and a loss to ; add to their pre-season record. J Friday evening Coach Pruee j Decker and his Redmen went ! against Western High, Las Yegas's newest high school, and ; came out with a 51 to 43 victory. Saturday evening, however, at , Henderson against the Basic , 1 Wolves the tables were reversed : and the Redmen suffered a 59 to ; , 18 setback. I ! The win and loss brought the pre-season record of the Red- men to three wins and three : losses. Against Western Friday evening even-ing the Redmen moved out to a 15 to ! first quarter lead with Donnie Roberts hitting from outside out-side and Neil Roberts tanking , four baskets from underneath. However, N. Roberts also picked ; up t'irec quick fouls and did not ' see action through the second period of play. Carrying the load in the second sec-ond canto was Paul Stokes who put in three from the field and added one from the foul line. D. Roberts hit two from the field and Kent Smith hit from the field and the foul line to move I the Redmen to a to 15 half-time half-time advantage. I Lund, of Western was tough in the middle am! kept the Las Vegas club m the game with some fine shooting. He really came to life in t!u third period with five field -oals of his own and he ended tip the evening with a 21 point total. Loading by 1 "i going into the, final period the Redmen coasted' in the eight minute period with Stokes hitting one from the field for the only tn ldfoal of the quarter. quar-ter. The Warriors narrowed the gap but the u tory was never in question for the Redtn.n. Saturday evening against the Basic Wolves the Redmen got off to a tremendous first quarter moving out in front 11 to 5. With N. Roberts hitting three from the field, Donnie adding two, Stoke" a fieldgoal an da foul and Smith with a foul. The Wolves i however, were not to be denied an da full court press a Miniliar defensive maneuxer which defeated the Redmen in the second round of the state tinals last year found the Rodmon on the short end of the scoring with only five i points, all from the foul line and j the Wolves out in front by a 1 score of 25 to 1SI. ! In the third period the Redmen ! solved the one by passing over ! it to N. Roberts down court and i Roberts hit five from the field to put the Redmen in contention at 'the end of the third period with I the score standing at 37 to 31 for ' Basic. i The gas ran out for Coach I Docker's quintet in the final period per-iod and the Wolves moved b.e k into a commanding lead and , came out witli a 11 point margin 5!) to IS. |