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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer Engi-neer to change or appropriate water in Iron County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless otherwise designated. All locations are from SLB&M. To Changs: a -2947 L. David Love, Beryl. Ut. proposes to change the place of use of 2.005 sec. ft. of water, as evidenced by Application No. 15787, as amended by Change Application No. a -2405. The wa- ter has been diverted from a 14-in. 14-in. vell 156 ft. deep at a point N. 50 ft. and W. 1250 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 21, T35S, R16W, and used from May 15 to Oct. 15 to Irrigate 80 acres in SEVi said Sec. 21. Hereafter, it is proposed to divert di-vert 2.005 sec. ft. of water from the same well and use during the same period to irrigate 80 acres in E'EH said Sec. 21. a-2951 Rowan W. Williams, Kanarraville, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion of 3 sec. ft. of water, as evidenced by Application No. 17226. The water was to have been diverted from a well at a point N. 1845 ft. and E. 1310 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 23, T37S, R12W, and used from Apr. 1. to Nov. 1 to irrigate 80 acres in WNWVi said Sec. 23. and for year-round incidental stock watering. Hereafter it is proposed to di vert 3 sec. ft. of water from a 16 In. well bet. 250 and 300 ft. deep at a point N. 150 ft. and E. 1300 ft. from W4 Cor. Sec. 23. T37S, R12W and use during the same period and for the same purposes as heretofore. a-3005 Richard H. Leigh, W. W. Leigh and H. Webster Leigh Estate, Cedar City, Ut. propose pro-pose to change the point of diversion di-version nd place of use of 0.891 sec. ft. of water, as evidenced by Underground-Water Claim No. 411 and Water User's Claim No 174. The water has been diverted divert-ed from a well at a point N. 24 ft. and W. 162 ft. from S14 Cor. Sec. 33. T35S. R11W, and used from Apr. 1 to Oct 1 to irrigate 50.80 acres in SEKSWK. SWtf. SWVi Sec. 33. T35S. R11W, NE. NWK Sec. 4, T36S, R11W, and! for year-round domestic and stock-watering purposes. j Hereafter, it is proposed to divert di-vert 0.891 sec. ft. of water from a 16-ln. well bet. 400 and 500 ft. deep at a point S. 1386 ft. and W. 1386 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 8, T36S. R11W and use from April 1 to Oct. 1 as a supplemental supply sup-ply to irrigate 465 acres in NWVi SE4. NEViSW4. SEUSW. SWUSEVi. WSWi Sec. 7; SWViNWVi, . NWViSEVi, NE-SWVi NE-SWVi Sec. 8. NWKNWK Sec. 18. T3CS. R11W; ESE'i Sec. 12; NEKNEK. SHNEVi Sec. 13, T36S, R12W. a-30Gl C. H. Fralley, Beryl. Ut. proposes' to change the point of diversion and place of use of 1.5 sec. ft. of water, as evidenced by Application to Segregate No. 16699-a. The water has been diverted di-verted from a well at a point N. 4322. 3749.8 ft. from EVi Cor. Sec. 4. T36S, R16W and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 1 as a supplemental sup-plemental supply to irrigate TV) acres in NWVi Sec. 4, T36S, R16W. Hereafter, It is proposed to divert di-vert 1.5 sec. ft. of water from a 16-ln. we.'l 200 ft. deep at a print No. 65'50'E. 490 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 14, T35S, R17W. and use from Apr. 1 to Oct. 1 to irrigate SO acres in SWi said Sec. 14. a-3062 Elvon Sterling Tullis. Newcastle, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion of 3 sec. ft. of water, as evidenced by Application Appli-cation No. 17083. The water was to have been diverted from a well at a point N. 225 ft. and W. 1362 ft. from S Cor. Sec. 8. T36S, R15W, and used from Mar. 1 to Oct. 31 as a supplemental sup-ply sup-ply to irrigate 400 acres in SH-SEU, SH-SEU, NESEV;. SEHNEK Sec. 7. WSWVi. SWMNWU Sec. 8. NWKNW Sec. 17. NHNEU Sec. 18. T36S, R15W, and for incidental inciden-tal domestic and stock-watering purposes. Hereafter, is is proposed to divert di-vert 3 sec. ft. of water from a 14-in. well 250 ft. deep at a point N. 876 ft. and E. 1280 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 8, T36S, R15W, and use during the same period and for the same purposes as here- "V-3073 Fred Koch. Beryl. Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and place of use of 0.557 sec. ft. of water, as evidenced evi-denced by Underground -Water Claim No. 16392 and Escalante Valley Proposed Determination, Water Users Claim No. 40. The water was to have been diverted from a well at a point N. 48 ft. and W. 1296 ft. from E Cor. Sec. 17, T34S. R16W, and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 15 to Irrigate 10 acres In SWKNEK and SEVi-NE SEVi-NE said Sec. 17. Hereafter, It Is proposed to divert di-vert 0.557 sec. ft. of water from a 14-In. well bet. 80 and 100 ft. deep at a point N. 275 ft. and W. 2567 ft. from EM Cor. Sec. 17, T34S, R16W. and use from Apr. 1 to Oct. 15 to Irrigate 10 acres In SHN4 said Sec. 17. To A ppropftato t 26809 S. T. Nelson, Cedar City, Ut.; 1 sec. ft. for Irrigation Irriga-tion use from a 6-In. well 300 ft. deep at a point N. 346 ft. and E. 1485 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 10, T36S. R11W, The water will be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to Irrigate 32 acres in SEViSWK said Sec. 10. Protests reslsing the granting of any of the foregoing applications, appli-cations, with reasons therefor, must be In affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer. 403 State Capi-to!, Capi-to!, Salt Lake City 14, Utah, on or before Mav 19, 1956. Joseph M. Tracy STATE ENGINEER (Published In the Iron County Record. Cedar City, Ut. from Apr. 5 to Apr. 19, 1956). |