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Show c las in if di Good Farm Equipment Buys 1952 Studebaker, Land cruiser $1295; 1952 Willys 2-door sedan $1195 Cultivator, fits Ford or Ferguson $135 International, 2-bottom, 1- way plow $125 10' heavy duty, standard offset disc $425 New 15' heavy duty Drause Chisel Tiller $595 Ford 2-way plow $150 1 John-Deere 2-way plow $175' Fotato Planter, 2-row, iron-age, like new $850 8' Demater Grain Drill with alfalfa seeded attach. like new $425 Minneapolis-Moline Z Tractor, A-l shape $750 Model 80, New Holland automatic auto-matic wire baler $2800 John-Doere trailer type Tractor Mower $175 VAC Case Tractor with 2- way plow $495 Ford-Ferguson Tractor with overdrive $900 General Service Co. 658 North Main Cedar City, Utah Adv. A-29. FOR SALE: 3 acres business' property fronting on highway south of Cedar City. Also building build-ing lots in Vista Park subdivision subdivi-sion with sewer and water connections. con-nections. This is a fast growing residential area with building restrictions. Contact Elwood Cor-rv, Cor-rv, Cedar Real Estate Co., Phone 550. Adv. M-18, tf. FOR TALE: Alfalfa seed, call at 011-J4 or see Henry Grimshaw. Adv. A-l, 8, 15, 22, 29. FOR RENT DR. A. C. JOHNSON, Veterinarian 82 Couth 400 East Tel. 355 Adv M-4, tf. FARMERS, STOCKMEN! We tiave installed a new full cap mold to new tread tiros on your ton trucks 700-17 through 750-18. 750-18. Twice the mileage at half the cost. See Jim or Oliver at Lunt-Heywood Company. Adv. J-28. tf. WANTED: Veteran to learn taking trade under GI Bill. Call at Cedar Pastry Shop. Adv. A-15, tf. WANTED TO RENT Two bedroom home or apartment. Permanent resident. Call Blair D. Tfelson at 519-W. Adv. A-29, tf. FOR SALE: Deal direct with owner and save. Two bedroom house on quarter acre lot in Overton, Nev. Large living room, cellar, cooking and heating stoves, electric hot water heater, large cooler, garage, shop, chicken coop and run, fruit and nut trees. Lots of shade and grass, only $3,300 cash for whole works. Good hunting and fishing. You could not have better neighbors neigh-bors if you hand picked them. Good buy for handyman or retired re-tired couple. Write Box 121, Overton Over-ton for week-end appointment. Adv. A-22, 29, pd. WANTED TO LEASE: College of Southern Utah faculty member desires to lease modern 2 or 3 bedroom home in Cedar City for a period of one to two years. Desire De-sire single family residence with garage, basement or both. Call McAfee at 1089 anytime during business hours. Adv. A-S, tf. FOR SALE: Income property, 150 So. 100 W. See Mr. Findlay. Adv. A-29, tf. OLD BATTERY OFFER $1.25 or more offered for old batteries. Contact Morg Slack. Call 854. Adv. A-29, tf. WANTED TO RENT: Two-bedroom house or apartment with cooking stove and refrigerator. Call Bureau of Land Management, Manage-ment, 510. Adv. A-29, pd. I FOR SALE: Young milk cow with 2-month-old heifer calf. See Sherman Haight or phone 0G-R2. Adv. A-29. WANTED: Old and useless batteries. $1 and up. See George Manning, 356 So. 900 West. Adv. A-S, 15, 22, 29. IMPORTANT ALL FARMERS OF IRON COUNTY SECOND PERIOD FOR ACP MAY 1 to AUGUST 1, 1954. Any farmer wishing to sign up in the ACP Program and do work between May 1 and August 1, 1951 must be signed up PRIOR TO MAY 15. Adv. A-22, 29, M-6, 13, 1954). Used Bathroom Fixtures for Sale. Shower stalls, toilets, sinks, twin laundry tubs, pipe fittings, used doors, used door and window win-dow screens. Miscellaneous building build-ing material. Used car radio. Call 164-M. Adv. M-25, tf. GARDEN PLOWING: Call Ver-nal Ver-nal Stratton, 403-M. Adv. M-ll, tf. WANTED! MEN TO TRAIN FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Age 21 to 60. Must be residents of this county two or more years. Competent appraisers receive $325 to $350 per month. Farm experience valuable. Write Box 1050, Iron County Record "mmm M Fine 3 r , S fjmlOO Proof g Exceptional j x J S ;n 3 ) X Bottled E 3f.p ' g every way! p LJ in Bond eSd Whiskey lit You haven't found the ideal bonded bourbon? Look them all over """"""OLD BOM National distiujjqwctsjqw netjsbj ivx CIEGER COUNTER Immediate Delivery Call West or Gail Seegmiller DESERT PEARL CO. Thone 1100 Cedar City Adv. A-29, tf. Anyone wanting Geiger Counters Count-ers contact THOMAS LAWRENCE, LAW-RENCE, agent, prop. Tom's Rock Shop, 261 S. 600 E, Cedar City, Ut. Adv. A-15, 22, 29. FOR SALE: 1 B Grade close coupled toilet complete with seat $30.50. Contact Leighton Dennett, Dennett Plumbing & Heating. Adv. A-15, tf. WELDING by Merle M. Smith. Shop on Highway 91 South. Or phone 569-M. Adv. A-15, 22, 29, M-6. FOR SALE: Government portable porta-ble houses, K. D., two and three rooms, 13x24 to 13x30 ft. Well insulated, -inch plywood floors, $300.00 to $400.00. Bar V Ranch, Newcastle, Utah. Phone Newcastle Newcas-tle No. 2. Adv. A-15, 22, 29. Fire makes no appointments! appoint-ments! The best time to arrange for proper insurance insur-ance protection is NOW. Call, or come in. CORRY Insurance Agency 55 North Main, Phone 550 Cedar City. Utah He was the kind of a guy who, when you ask him the time, will tell you how to make a watch. only J2 ($Bm ag- much mowing (Ek with... ,m$ - VIGOROUS ROOT SYSTEM GREATER DROUGHT RESISTANT y DEEP GREEN COLOR Morion Blue Grass sretl ill cover H to I times more area than most other liili-quality grass seeds! 0- Tit) V MERON BLUE GRASS'S A r wow. growing habit ( 1 X k I )i rqu,res Nty ,2 at Leading Stores ' Foam rubber itat padding j j W . and 15 other custom extras are 111 ' - i -f , '4 available at low extra cost in fll I """, ' ' I I , "f" T" "'-'! the Driverized Cab shown. Ford ) ' -W ( " 'i F-100 Pickup, GVW 4,800 lbs. II L f i f ' '1, ..., Now! Gas-saving Low-Frictiom, most powerful low-cost Pickup ever Drive repay their low extra cost in high-compretiion, ovrhad-valve, built! Or choose the most efficient Six time saved. New Driverized Cab cuts dap-block engines 130-h.p.V-S or the new 115-h.p. Cost Clipper. Both driver fatigue. 1 1 5-h.p. Six! FordomatU Drive! engines give you new gas-savings ... , , , . . New DrivriKd Cob! New Power because smaller displacement engines . Hlft'BSeni!S?' iT bt 3 Brakes-only In FORD Pickups! like these normally use less gas! Kives the Ford F-100 Pickup a paykad capacity of 1,550 lbs. See your Ford With Ford's new 130-h.p. Power New controls like Power Brakes, Dealer now for all the facta! King V-8, the new Ford F-100 is the only on Ford Pickups, and Fordomatic 1 HOW, TRIPLE ECONOMY ! Only Ford gives you so much in CT ' all three essentials of lower-cost trucking! frsif ff Hj j Why drive a "down payment"? Trade now j ; j r$J for a brand-new Triple Economy Truck! . i P NfwtiglMitovtgatl Ntw cabt mi centrals Ntw (apadtiti $av U " M vJJ ECOVOMm Upium ,i0 ' poww p,r eubic 8,0 J08S- Pow,r B,ak, up o.ooo ibi.Gvwi "-,-r mr (nth jy.r n any tnlc fo, '2-onnen, tool Full Nw Cab Forward BIG JOBS MORE TRUCK FOR YOUR MONIY gin llnal Smaller dii- automatic Fordomadc Driva for 35-ft. troileri. Strong, low- . plocmnt normally mtan for all light duty series. weight chassis for peak pay ... and Ford Trucks last longer, too! greater gas savingsl low extra cost.) loads In over 220 models. TH0RLEY MOTOR COMPANY 18 SOUTH MAIN. CEDAR CITY, UTAH. Phone 78 i ---------, |