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Show I " NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE Notice is hereby given that on Thursday the 27th day of May, 1954, at the hour of 10 a. m., at the front door of the County Courthouse in Parowan, Iron County, Utah, I will offer for sale at Public Auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant pursu-ant to the provisions of Section 80 10-68, Utah Cod Annotated, 1943, and pursuant to an order 'of the Board of County Commissioners Commis-sioners of Iron County, Utah, made and entered on the 12th day of April, 1954, the following described real estate situated in said Iron County and now held by said county under preliminary prelimin-ary tax sale. No bid for less than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalty penal-ty and costs which are a charge upon said real estate will be accepted: ac-cepted: 1. Susie E. Mickelson: S'i Lot 5, Blk. 43, Plat B, Parowan City Survey $2.27 2. Iron Co. To Lionel Davis: Com. NE. Cor. Sec. 34, T37S, R12W, SLB&M. W. 9.64 rds.; S. 1635' W. 12 rds.; N. 1635' E. 12 rds.; W. 2.3G rds $7.05 3. Arthur & Lula Tulll-s Stapley: Com. NW. Cor. Blk. 18, Plat B, Cedar City Town Survev. S. 100.65 ft; E 143 ft.; N 100.65 ft; W 143 ft $17.85 4 M. B. & Beatrice S. Langford: Lot 3, Blk. 5, Columbia Hills Subd.. See. 15, T36S, R11W, E'LB&M $28.63 5. Joesph R. Tophom: Com. 20 I rds. S from NE. Cur. SW'iNEU Sec. 20, T33S. R8W, SLB&M. W. 80 rds., S. 20 rds., E. 80 rds., N. 20 rds.; Also: Com. 20 rds. 5. from NE. Cor. NW'iNEU, Sec. 20, T33S, R8Y7, SLB&M. W. 210 rds., S. 20 rds.. E. 240 rds., N. 20 rds., Excl. part covered by 1 ittle Creek Meadow $1.27 6. Joseph R. Topham: Si Lot 14, All Lots 15-16. Blk. 5, Range 12, Center Creek Sur. Sec. 32, T33S, R8W., SLB&M. Tog. with 1.5 share Red Creek $5.45 7. General Steam Corp.: Cora 90.5 ft. S. from NW. Cor. SWNEU Sec. 8, T35S, R11W, SLB&M. SE'ly 1320 ft. to pt. 160 ft. S. from NE. Cor. SW'iNEi Sec. 8, T35S, R11W, SLB&M. S. 1160 ft., W 1320 ft., N 1229.5 ft. Fxcl. State Highway $5.45 8. Leland DeMille: Com. 32 rds. N. from SW. Cor. SEUSWUI Sec. 3, T36S, R11W, SLB&M. N. 48 rds., W. 24.84 rds, S 48 rds., E. 24.84 rds., Tog. with 6 ac. water $6.85 9. General Steam Corp.: Com. at pt. 24 rds. W. from SE. Cor. Lot 2, Sec. 4, T36S, R11W, SLB&M. N. 6G.5 rds., W 15.67 rds., S. 66.5 rds., E 15.67 rds. $2.63 10. General Steam Corp.: Sec. 36, T34S, R12W, SLB&M $34.07 11. Sam P. Bishop: S'SW'-i Sec. 28, T34S, R15W, SLB&M. $5.45 12. Amy Page and Amy Luzon Knell: Com. SE. Cor. Sec. 9, T36S, R15W, SLB&M. W. 6.53 chs., to E. side of Co. Road, NE'ly along E. side of Co. Road to pt. 2.50 chs. N. from NE. Cor. SEUSE'.; Sec. 9, T36S, R15W, SLB&M. S. 22.86 chs., 7.41 ac $2.16 13. George Wm. Rhodes: Com. SE. Cor. Lot 4. Blk. B, Plat A, Mo-dona Mo-dona Townsite Sur. N. 2515' W. 14.2 ft.. S. 6445' W. 100 ft.. S. 2515' E. 14.2 ft., N. 6445' E. 100 ft $4.97 14. Albert U. Nelson: Compressor, LoRoi & 4 cyl. gas engine, old jackhammer an! accessories, hoist. Old auto engine & rope Coal car, old wooden 1-ton, pipe and track, coal chute, 80 ft. native timber, cabin, Coir. Iron 6' by 10' $22.49 15. Chester Parry: Loading bin & ; Coal Cart $6.38 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official Seal of my office as County Clerk and I Ex-Officio County Auditor of Iron .County, State of Utah, this 12th day of April. A. D. 1954. W. CLAIR ROWLEY County Clerk & Auditor. I Iron County, Utah. NOTE: The money Items set out in the foregoing list r.re only the original taxes, penalties " and costs of sale, assessed and levied against the properties described for the year in which the property prop-erty was sold to Iron County. In order to redeem or purchase the property, it will be necessary to pay all delinquent taxes plus penalties, interests and costs now standing unpaid against said properties. The County Treasurer will furnish a statement of the amount necessary to purchase any parcel of the property on the foregoing list, upon personal or written reouest to him. (April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 1954) |