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Show A. L. Thompson Voted To Head Cedar City Jayeees A. L. Thompson, genial manager man-ager of the Thompson Office Machines Ma-chines and secretary of the Cedar City Junior Chamber of Commerce Com-merce for the past year, was elected to the position of presi-1 dent for the coming year by the, board of directors at a special meeting held Tuesday evening at the El Rey Cafe. Other officers chosen from the board of directors Included Oliver Oli-ver LeFevre as vice president and James Sandberg as treasurer. The position of secretary is appointive, appoint-ive, that official being named by the president with the approval ap-proval of the board. Robert Linford, president of the ' civic group this year, conducted the meeting which was attended by all members of the board of directors. I The election of board members was held early this month to enable the newly elected officers to attend the state convention scheduled for Ogden this weekend. week-end. The new officers will not take office until the installation banquet ban-quet which is held following the state convention. The fiscal year for the group will be completed on May 31. i |