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Show Annual Stake Dance Festival Set for Wednesday Evelyn Webster and Elloyd Marchant, Cedar Stake Y. W. and Y. M. M. I. A. presidents, respectively, respec-tively, announce that the annual stake dance festival will be held at the College of Southern Utah Fieldhouse at 8 p. m. Wednesday May 5. An unusual evening of entertainment is assured, they state, with more than 200 young dancers, all beautifully cos-tmued, cos-tmued, to appear during the evening. eve-ning. The festival will be under the direction of Stake Dance Directors Direct-ors Maridon Smith and Dee Walker, in cooperation with the dance directors of each of the wards of the stake. Seventeen group dances will be presented with a thrilling spectacle assured from the time the Bee Hive Girls and Boy Scouts present the colors to the end of the program. A highlight of the evening will be the beautiful all-girls dance "Delores," to be done by 100 girls dressed in gold taffeta Spanish type dresses, each carrying black fans. The dance is delightful, and the costumes provide an' outstanding spectacle. Script for the festival has been written by Mary Hirschi Iley-borne. Iley-borne. Because of the necessity of rav- ing the usual 10 cent fieldhouse tax, and because of other expenses ex-penses incurred In presenting the festival, it has become necessary nec-essary to make a nominal charge for admission. Adults will be charged 25 cents each while children chil-dren under 12 years of age will be charged the 10 cent fieldhouse tax. |