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Show Coming Marriage Announced by Lunt and Christensen Announcement of the approach, ing marriage of Miss Jeannme Lunt to Mr. Rondo J. Christensen, Christen-sen, was made Saturday by Miss Lunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. La-nell La-nell N. Lunt at a beautifully arranged tea at the Lunt home. Mr. Christensen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Christensen of Delta. The couple will exchange marriage mar-riage vows In the St. George L D S temple on Dec. 27. at the announcement tea Mrs. Lunt was assisted by her sister, Mrs. E. Mitchell of Salt Lake City, the M.sses Earbara, Betsy and Joan Lunt, sisters of the bride-elect, and Mrs. Mitchell Lunt. Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, grandmother grandmoth-er of the future bride was hostess host-ess at open house recently In Salt Lake City to honor the couple. cou-ple. Miss Lunt is a graduate of the Branch Agricultural college, where she was prominent scho-lastically scho-lastically and socially. Mr. Christensen has filled a mission to the Central Atlantic states for the L D S church and is now attending the Branch Agricultural Ag-ricultural college. |