Show NOTICE united states land office salt lake to wl om it may concern notice 1 1 cereby givel that the state of utah 1 filed in tl atnee a list no 11 t lands selected by tl e said state for tl ne it of pern anent water reservoirs for ll 11 righting purposes under s of th fatt of co aress approved J ily the following tracts e said list are li a contain ig clien s of record 8 L 4 alc 18 T 18 8 I 1 8 L mer ackop of said list so far as it relates to said tracts 1 descriptive sul dav blo is 1 as been isly posted 11 tl Is office for inapt atio i by a ly person interested a d by tl generally within tie next sixty da if howl ig tl date 1 e bof und r tal 1 of oveal er 27 1811 I 1 D 1 J protests or inesti agali st tho claim of the state toane of tl e or su 11 1 01 tl aroun tl at tl e bamo is more ao 10 for mineral than for agricultural pi will ie and notel for report to tl jereral land GUI e at D t failure so to protest or contest ditl 1 i the time specified will bo s it evidence of the mi leral ahai acter of tl e tracts an 1 t beel atlon there f being oil cr vise free from objection will bo reo omme aided f r approval Kog lster A SMITH Rec elvir march IS pub moya |